Semiodesk trinity-rdf is an application development platform for Microsoft .NET and .netcore. It allows to easily build Linked Data and Semantic Web applications based on the RDF metadata standard issued by the W3C. The API allows for developing first-class .NET applications with direct access to Linked Open Data repositories and knowledge graphs.
Our platform is built on top of the powerful and stable dotNetRDF library which has been in development since early 2009. Since dotNetRDF is low-level and primarliy focused on directly manipulating triples, it does not integrate well with existing application frameworks and introduces a steep learning curve for new developers. Therefore, our primary goal was to allow developers to use proven enterprise development patterns such as MVC or MVVM to build Linked Data applications that integrate well into existing application eco-systems.
This repository contains examples to show how trinity-rdf can be used. The main repository can be found here