Name | Type | Description | Notes |
visitorId | string | visitor’s ID received <a href="\">from a webhook</a> or generated by you to <a href="\">bind existing user account to Conversations</a> | |
text | string | message text | |
agentId | string | agent ID. It can be found on agent’s page or received <a href="\">from a webhook</a>. Alternatively, you can use `agentEmail` + `agentName` + `receivedFrom` instead (all 3 fields required). | [optional] |
receivedFrom | string | mark your messages to distinguish messages created by you from the others. | [optional] |
agentEmail | string | agent email. When sending messages from a standalone system, it’s hard to maintain a 1-to-1 relationship between the users of both systems. In this case, an agent can be specified by their email address. | [optional] |
agentName | string | agent name | [optional] |