This is implementation of the paper "The Google File System" - ( )
- Python
- Flask
- Docker
- Master Server
- Write
- Read
- Delete
- Recover
- Heartbeat
- Chunkserver Failure Detection -> Replication
- Garbage Collection
- Chunkserver
- Write
- Read
- Delete
- Recover
- Heartbeat
- Client
- Append
- Read
- Delete
- Recover
# This will start the master server
docker-compose build
docker-compose up
# This will start the chunkserver
python3 chunk_server/ <port>
# This will start the client
python3 client/
append <filename> <local_file_path>
# Appends the contents of the local file to the file in the GFS. The data to be appended must be less than chunk capacity.
appendall <filename> <local_file_path>
# Appends the contents of the local file to the file in the GFS. The data can be arbitrarily large. Client will break the data into chunks and append them to the file in the GFS.
read <filename> <chunk_index> <offset> <length>
# Reads the data from the chunk at the given index. The data is read from the given offset and the length of the data to be read is given by length.
readall <filename>
# Reads the entire file from the GFS.
delete <filename>
# Deletes the file from the GFS.
recover <filename>
# Recovers the deleted file from the GFS.
write <filename> <chunk_index> <start_offset> <end_offset> <data>
# Writes the data to the chunk at the given index. The data is written to the given offset.