A Addon that will simplifly some commen guildinteractions. As Example the addon can send gratulatioonmessaeges to guildchannel automaticly if a guildmember earns a achievment. You can choose between your own created message or predefined ASCII images. Also save Discord/Teamspeak invitation links and send them to the guild chat via chat command "!discord" if activated. The whole Project is now on Version 4.3.2 I refactor/redesign much like everything. As example the whole Addon can now be configured in the interface options from blizzad like all common Addons. For more information got to Changelog
- send automatic gratulation message to guildchatchannel if a guildmember earn a achievment, you can use a random list, single gratulation or ASCII images (predefined)
- Automatic partyinvitation from guildmembers if whisper you with a keyword
- allows you to use the keyboard arrow keys to scroll through your sent message history.
- Set the time in seconds between achieving the achievement and sending the congratulation message.
- Shows your currently locked mythic +0 dungeons as a compact list above PVE window (if PVE window is open)
- Allow to send a custom defined discord/Teamspeak Invitelink/ServerIP to Guildchatchannel
- minimap icon to show/hide addon menu
- Slashcommand "/fs" - short command for buildin "/framestack"
- Slashcommand "/rl" - short command for buildin "/reload
- Slashcommand "/ga" - Shows the AddOn Menu
- Slashcommand "/ga help" - Shows/Hide the GuildAssist Addon Helpframe.
- Slashcommand "/ga tracker" - Shows/Hide the GuildAssist Mythic Dungeon ID Tracker.
- Slashcommand "/ga config" - Shows/Hide the GuildAssist Addon optionsmenu.
This Addon is only tested on the latest world of warcraft retail version 9.2.7! You can simple download and install this AddOn on Curse Forge! If you facing any problems please open a new Issue. Just unzip the ZIP-File into your World of Warcraft Addons directory.
v4.3.2 (Release Update)
- fix error when toggle "Send Whispermessage"
- add Option to set multiple gratulation messages
- Add Option to toggle send random whispermessage to player your have invited
- Adjust Gratulation-Setting Interface
- Add colors to chatinformation output for player
- Add Frame to show up saved Gratulationmessages
- add errorhandling for nil values in database
v4.2.8 (Release Update)
- adjust Auto-Invite options order & design
- Add option to set the Whispermessage you send to player you have invited in party
- Add Option to toggle send whispermessage to player your have invited
- Fix some misspelling
- Add colors to default or not set messages
- Add new helptext for whispermessage to help frame
- create a Addon Packager for automatic packaging for "Curse Forge" in Python
- Create more templates for the WIP feature "EventCalendar"
- Add helperfunctions for "EventCalendar"
v4.2.6.2 (Hotfix Update)
- remove debugg chatoutput
- fix auto gratulation send to your own achievments
v4.2.6 (Release Update)
- New Feature: Auto-Partyinvite added
- fix some misspells
- Add new help section for autoinvite plugin
- add optionsection for auto-invite
v4.1.9 (Release Update)
- fix not saving minimap position between gamesessions
- fix not sending gratulation message
- Add toggle to disable/enable show welcome message at start
- add toggle to enable/disable dungeontracker
- Add profile management to save settings for character/account
- Create a calender plugin template frame
- add Rightclick + Shift / LeftClick + Shift for enable/disable discord automatic / gratulation automatic to minimapbutton
- create changlog window
- update alignment from some text
- Fix the "/ga tracker" chatcommand
v4.1.6 (Release Update)
- Add "Ace3" to the project
- Create New UI Design
- Add Options for Addon to the Interface-Option tab from blizzard
- Create Welcome Screen
- Create Help Screen
- Add new slashcommands
- Refactoring Core, config
- Add external String libary
- Add new Minimap Button to open/hide options/help
- Add new Previews
v3.4.4 (Hotfix Update)
- add escape sequences to dicords links for "/"
- remove not needed output on addon load
- fix output bug with discord links that would not be sended
- fix not colored mythic dungeon names on dungeon tracker frame at first start
- add missing show window on start save variable
- fix closing tracker window if menu window close
- add soundeffects to changes and clicks
- adjust minimap button size
- update version
v3.4.2 (Release Update)
- add instance id tracker for mythic +0 Dungeons
- add gui frame for instance tracker
- add basic mythic+ routes frame(not enabled yet)
- create dungeon name list in ger and eng
- create UpdateHandler for tracker
v3.3.5 (no Release):
- add new Frame for mythic + Routes
- add basic constructor for fontstrings & buttons
- add scrollframe and scrollframe behaivour
- add 'how to' to helpframe
- change color from helpframe title
- Update version
- refactoring code
- add config.lua
- rename close-help button