macOS/Linux/Windows 10 LEMP (NGINX/PHP/JS/MySql) Development Environment via Homebrew(Linuxbrew) using Ansible
- Magento 1,2
- Symfony 2,3,4,5,6
- Laravel
- Wordpress
- OroPlatform, OroCRM, OroCommerce
- Akeneo PIM
- Install Homebrew
- Clone the repo:
git clone ~/devbrew
- Run the ansible playbook:
bash ~/devbrew/ --ask-become-pass --tags="php56,php70,php71,php72,php73,php74,php80,php81,php82,mysql80,nodejs,zsh,dnsmasq"
to make full install
(Wait for finish. Should be without "Fatal" messages) - Execute:
brew link php82
(setting default php for cli, you can choose other version (php56 or php74)) - Add root crt to keychain
sudo security add-trusted-cert -d -r trustRoot -k /Library/Keychains/System.keychain $(brew --prefix)/etc/openssl/localCA/cacert.pem
- Install dependencies:
sudo apt update && sudo apt install -yq curl git patch systemtap-sdt-dev python3 build-essential tar
- Install Homebrew
- Clone the repo:
git clone ~/devbrew
- Run the ansible playbook:
bash ~/devbrew/ --ask-become-pass --tags="php56,php70,php71,php72,php73,php74,php80,mysql80,nodejs,zsh,dnsmasq"
to make full install
(Wait for finish. Should be without "Fatal" messages) - Execute:
brew link php74
(setting default php for cli, you can choose other version (php56, php70, php71, php72, etc)) - Update your network settings to use as dns server
- Install dependencies:
sudo zypper install curl git patch systemtap-sdt-devel python3 tar
orsudo transactional-update pkg install curl git patch systemtap-sdt-devel python3 gcc tar
- Open the terminal
- Execute:
git clone ~/devbrew
- Execute:
bash ~/devbrew/ --ask-become-pass --tags="php56,php70,php71,php72,php73,php74,php80,mysql80,nodejs,zsh,dnsmasq"
to make full install
(Wait for finish. Should be without "Fatal" messages) - Execute:
brew link php74
(setting default php for cli, you can choose other version (php56, php70, php71, php72, etc)) - Update your network settings to use as dns server
- Enable WSL
- Install Homebrew
- Install Ubuntu 18.04 from app store
- Follow steps from Linux section above
- Run supervisord by following command:
service supervisord-devbrew start
- Update your network settings to use as dns server
You can choose one or all of them, tags don't have conflict
- will install and configure ZSH with PowerLine and Oh-My-Zshphp56
- will install PHP version 5.6php70
- will install PHP version 7.0php71
- will install PHP version 7.1php72
- will install PHP version 7.2php73
- will install PHP version 7.3php74
- will install PHP version 7.4php80
- will install PHP version 8.0php81
- will install PHP version 8.1percona56
- will install Percona Server (mysql) version 5.6percona57
- will install Percona Server (mysql) version 5.7mysql80
- will install Mysql Server 8.0nodejs
- will install NodeJS and NPMdnsmasq
- will install and configure a dnsmasq service
To start/stop/restart services you can use supctl
(it's supervisorctl wrapper)
Put your source code into www folder in your home dir in following structure: ~/www/{pool}/{project_name}/
{pool} - second level domain name (resolver configured for
, but you can add more hosts directly to /etc/hosts
{project} - project name
If fqdn of project should be, directory structure must be:
If subfolder web or public exists, server will use they as web root. For example:
or ~/www/dev/wordpress/public
Sometimes we are require to use live domains like or
To do this, just create put source code of your project to ~/www/com/google
and update you /etc/hosts
file by adding next line:
Keep in mind the local live domains currently not supports ssl
The root ca certificate is located in: %BREW_INSTALL_PATH%/etc/openssl/localCA/cacert.pem
Where BREW_INSTALL_PATH by default is /usr/local for macOS and /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew for linux.
Too force specific version of php just create a flag file in the project root directory, for example:
(php 5.6)
(php 7.0)
(php 7.1)
(php 7.2)
(php 7.3)
(php 7.4)
(php 8.0)
(php 8.1)
- Mysql (Percona) Server 5.6 binds to 3356 port (user:
, password:root
) - Mysql (Percona) Server 5.7 binds to 3306 port (user:
, password:root
In ~/mail directory will be drops letter what be sent via php mail function