A simple monitoring system for Docker. A dockerized small app (publisher) will consume periodically stats about resource usage of the running docker containers, polling the Docker API and storing the results in a redis container as a temporary storage. Flask, bootstrap and c3.js (a d3 wrapper) add some colour.
This is obviously still a work in progress. Docker API stats will 'only work when using the libcontainer exec-driver'[1].
Run Redis (to store stats timeseries):
docker run --name redis -p 6379:6379 -d redis:3
Run Publisher (docker container with a cron that polls docker API every minute):
docker run --rm -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock --link redis:db --name oculus_publisher oculus/publisher
Run Oculus web front:
(still working in a dockerized solution) python run.py
Then go to http://localhost:5000/