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Facilities, Upgrades, and Construction

severedsolo edited this page Jan 19, 2020 · 6 revisions

All facilities have a maintenance cost, which will increase each time you upgrade the building.

Most Facilities now have 5 levels, rather than the stock 3. There are obvious gaps in the stock upgrade system which this mod tries to fill in.

As a general rule, upgrading a building will double it's current limits (so for example, the VAB will go from 30, to 60, to 120 parts allowed) but the cost of the upgrade will also double each time.

The Tracking Station is an exception to the above rule and has it's own page explaining it. I recommend you read it

Before an upgrade can be completed, the Construction department need to be allocated a budget. They will then use that budget to progress the upgrade.

Upgrades can be "prioritised" (built first) by clicking the "Upgrade" button again, and cancelled by clicking the button for a third time (you will get a warning before cancelling, just in case).

A practical example

Your net budget will be 550,000 funds this month, and you have requested a Lv4 Tracking Station upgrade (which costs 152,000 funds). You have also requested a Lv2 Launchpad upgrade (38,000 funds).

You have allocated 20% of your budget to Construction, meaning they can spend a maximum of 110,000 funds this month (550,000 x 20%). Let's imagine that you've prioritised your launchpad upgrade.

Of the available 110,000 funds, 38000 is allocated to the Launchpad upgrade (the cost of the upgrade). This completes the upgrade, so the Launchpad will be upgraded.

The construction department now has 72,000 funds leftover. This isn't enough to complete the Tracking Station upgrade, so they will use those funds to progress the upgrade, but it won't complete. Next month the Tracking Station will only need 80,000 funds to complete, so if nothing else changes, the upgrade will be completed next month.

As you can see, allocating more of your budget to the Construction Department would complete the upgrade quicker, but there is a trade off. You will either need to pull funding from your research department (and possibly get less science as a result) or give yourself less money to build rockets.

Closed Facilities

A facility can be closed if you do not have enough budget/funds to cover it's maintenance. Currently closable facilities and their effects are:

  • Astronaut Complex - you will not be able to hire new kerbals.
  • VAB/SPH - You will be restricted to two launches a month. Any further launches will result in the engineers forgetting to fuel the craft when it gets to the launchpad.
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