If you use this script and it works correctly - please do not be lazy to put a star. This motivates me very much to develop my product. If you lack some functions, write about it. I will try to add them if they fit into the product concept.
apt-get install git
git clone https://github.com/sfonteneau/AzureADConnect_Samba4.git /opt/sync-azure
git -C /opt/sync-azure submodule update --progress --init -- "AADInternals_python"
git -C /opt/sync-azure/AADInternals_python submodule update --progress --init -- "python_wcfbin"
mkdir /etc/azureconf/
cp -f /opt/sync-azure/azure.conf.exemple /etc/azureconf/azure.conf
apt-get install python3-peewee python3-passlib python3-xmltodict python3-requests python3-msal -y
If you are not under debian or if you do not have the packages available :
apt-get install python3-pip
pip3 install -r /opt/sync-azure/requirements.txt
pip3 install -r /opt/sync-azure/AADInternals_python/requirements.txt
- Configure /etc/azureconf/azure.conf
You can try like this:
python3 /opt/sync-azure/run_sync.py
The script sends all users and groups a first time and then only sends what has been modified since the last send during the next launch.
Please note that this project uses Microsoft APIs not officially documented. Microsoft may break compatibility at any time
userPrincipalName is used for the email address (add alternate_login_id_attr=mail in azure.conf to use the mail attribute instead of the userPrincipalName attribute ) [1]
"password writeback" not supported
User and group management only (device optional)
The default sourceanchor in azure.conf.exemple is the objectGUID with msDSConsistencyGuid! read : https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/hybrid/plan-connect-design-concepts#using-ms-ds-consistencyguid-as-sourceanchor
You can run the script on a previous installation but you have to pay attention to the previous configuration of your azure ad connect (sourceanchor)
Warning If "sourceanchor" changes, it will initiate object deletions and then object recreations. You must therefore choose your sourceanchor well and not change it
A dry_run mode allows you to run the script without making any changes
You can specify a specific basedn for search in samba:
OR a base dn for each type of object:
For precisely several bases dn, separate them with |
You can specify a specific custom ldap filter for search in samba:
custom_filter_user = (memberof:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:=CN=group_users,OU=Groupe,DC=mydomain,DC=lan)
custom_filter_group = (memberof:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:=CN=group_groups,OU=Groupe,DC=mydomain,DC=lan)
custom_filter_computer = (memberof:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:=CN=group_computers,OU=Groupe,DC=mydomain,DC=lan)
You can specify which attribute should be used as login. Please note this must be an email address. Use alternate_login_id_attr
alternate_login_id_attr = mail
- credential_cache_file :
specifies where the last connection token will be stored and read:
credential_cache_file = /root/last_token.json
- dbpath :
specifies where the db that stores the state of the last scan will be stored:
dbpath = /root/last_send_azuread.db
- calculate_deletions_based_on_last_sync :
calculate deletions based on local last sync, does not list the users, groups and devices of the Azure AD to calculate the necessary deletion and will make the comparison with the last send of the script. Much faster mode
You can add pathsmbconf and url parameters in the configuration file. If you are using a samba version of the distribution this should not be necessary.
url = /usr/local/samba/private/sam.ldb
pathsmbconf = /usr/local/samba/lib/smb.conf
Copy callback_template:
cp -r /opt/sync-azure/callback_template /root/callbackaad
add option in config file :
folder_callback_python = /root/callbackaad
Now edit /root/callbackaad/callbackaadsync.py (do not change the file name)
def callback_calculated_user(sambaobj=None,entry=None,result=None):
result['company'] = "MY ENTERPRISE"
return result
In this example we force the company entry "MY ENTERPRISE" on all user entries
sambaobj is the already instantiated samdb object, it can be used to do searches
Entry is user entry returned by samdb
result is resultcalculated by the script so you can modify it
The function returns the result modify, if the function returns None, the user will be skipped from the sync
In certain cases we want to execute code in addition to sending it to Azure AD
Exemple: Send an email, Enter something into a database, Perform additional actions in Azure AD.
In this case you can use: callback_after_send_obj and callback_after_send_hashnt
A final callback is called at the end of the sync with callback_end_synchro
The machine must have samba installed. (Many samba libraries are required)
Add in azure.conf add :
The specified account must have permission to replicate passwords.
This operating mode also works with a Microsoft active directory.
The first version of this project used the "objectsid" string as "sourceanchor", this mode now corresponds to an "objectSID_str" as sourceanchor in the ini file, this mode does not exist with azure ad microsoft, so it should no longer be used.
If the script crashes with this message:
File "/opt/sync-azure/AADInternals_python/AADInternals.py", line 596, in xml_to_result
raise Exception(dataxml["s:Envelope"]["s:Body"]['s:Fault']['s:Reason']['s:Text']['#text'])
Exception: Access to Azure Active Directory has been denied. Contact Technical Support.
It appears that the user you authenticated with does not have the rights to perform the requested actions.
You can change user by deleting the /root/last_token_azuread.json file and running the script again.
The logs are stored in JSON format and, by default, they are stored here: /var/log/azure_ad_sync.
You can, for example, parse them with jq:
cat /var/log/azure_ad_sync | jq 'select(.type == "send_nthash") | .timestamp, .data.onPremisesSamAccountName '
cat /var/log/azure_ad_sync | jq 'select(.data.onPremisesSamAccountName == "luke.skywalker") '
cat /var/log/azure_ad_sync | jq 'select(.data.onPremisesSamAccountName == "luke.skywalker") | .timestamp, .type '
If the script crashes with this message:
SSLError(SSLCertVerificationError(1, '[SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed: unable to get local issuer certificate (_ssl.c:992)')
Certainly you have a firewall that performs SSL inspection.
Add in azure.conf :
/root/ca.crt is the firewall certificate