Fetch and Convert NHL Play by Play game data v2
Application built using Node.js that provides the means for accessing, fetching NHL Schedule and Play by Play game data in JSON format and converting data outputs to CSV.
Get yourself familiar with the following…
2017-2018 NHL Season Schedule ->
This URL (API) outputs the complete NHL regular season schedule in JSON format
Play by Play for game 2017020001 ->
The following URL (API) used to provide the detailed play-by-play for a specific game... It doesn't work anymore!
Now will be using this one ->
A richer output with more detailed events and information.
If you don't already have jq installed you will need to download and install it either before or after doing the npm install
Download jq here -> https://stedolan.github.io/jq/download/
Install the dependencies with the following command:
npm install
Create a data
mkdir data
Before using you will need to create a specific directory for the season(s) you will be fetching data for.
i.e. To fetch data from the 2017-2018 NHL season you need to create the following folder 20172018
under the data
Fetch Play by Play JSON
node fetch.js season [game]
To fetch all games for a specific season:
node fetch.js 20172018
To fetch a specific game from a specific season
node fetch.js 20172018 2017020001
Sample JSON, 2017020001.json
Convert Play by Play - "Events" to CSV
node convert-events.js season [game]
To convert all games for a specific season:
node convert-events.js 20172018
To convert a specific game from a specific season
node convert-events.js 20172018 2017020001
Sample CSV, 201702001_events.csv
Data dictionary: (game_id, away_team_id, away_team_code, away_team_name, home_team_id, home_team_code,
home_team_name, event_type, event_description, event_id, period, period_type, period_time,
period_time_remaining, away_goals, home_goals, coord_x, coord_y)
Convert Play by Play - "Event Players" to CSV
node convert-eventplayers.js season [game]
To convert all games for a specific season:
node convert-eventplayers.js 20172018
To convert a specific game from a specific season
node convert-eventplayers.js 20172018 2017020001
Sample CSV, 201702001_eventplayers.csv
Data dictionary: (game_id, event_id, event_type, player_id, player_name, player_type)
Convert Play by Play - "Players" to CSV
node convert-players.js season [game]
To convert all games for a specific season:
node convert-players.js 20172018
To convert a specific game from a specific season
node convert-players.js 20172018 2017020001
Sample CSV, 201702001_players.csv
Data dictionary: (game_id, player_id, full_name, first_name, last_name, current_number, birth_date, current_age,
birth_city, birth_state_province, birth_country, nationality, height, weight, active, alternate_captain,
captain, rookie, shoots_catches, roster_status, current_team, position_type, position)