This is an implementation of Dataflow Template copying files from Google Cloud Storage to Google Drive.
A Google Cloud Storage path of input CSV file, for example gs://hoge/fuga.csv
The CSV has two columns:
- Google Cloud Storage File Path
- Google Drive File Name
gcs_file_path | gdrive_file_name |
gs://gcs/file/path | file_name_in_gdrive |
... | ... |
Note that the CSV should not have header row as below:
Google Cloud Storage path of the service account file, for example gs://your-bucket/hoge.json
This service account is only used to access Google Drive API.
The ID of the destination directory in Google Drive. The files in Google Cloud Storage will be copied to this directory.
Note that the service account should have permission to access this directory.
TODO: image
pip install -r requirements.txt
PROJECT_ID="<Your Project ID>"
python -m pipeline.task \
--runner DataflowRunner \
--project ${PROJECT_ID} \
--staging_location gs://${PROJECT_ID}-dataflow/staging \
--temp_location gs://${PROJECT_ID}-dataflow/temp \
--template_location gs://${PROJECT_ID}-dataflow/templates/gcs2gdrive
from googleapiclient.discovery import build
from oauth2client.client import GoogleCredentials
project_id = 'your-gcp-project-id'
input_csv = 'gs://your/input/csv/file.csv'
gdrive_directory_id = 'your-output-gdrive-directory-id'
service_account_file = 'gs://your/service/account/file.json'
dataflow_template = "gs://{}-dataflow/templates/gcs2gdrive".format(project_id)
credentials = GoogleCredentials.get_application_default()
service = build("dataflow", "v1b3", credentials=credentials, cache_discovery=False)
body = {
"jobName": "hoge-gcs2gdrive-fuga",
"parameters": {
"input_csv": input_csv,
"gdrive_directory_id": gdrive_directory_id,
"service_account_file": service_account_file
"environment": {
"tempLocation": "gs://{}-dataflow/temp".format(project_id),
"zone": "us-central1-f"
request = service.projects().templates().launch(
response = request.execute()
Quote with "
as below:
Sorry, we does not support it... Please replace with other strings.