Nine-gine is a game engine for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). It provides the needed system routines and utility functions to let the developers focus on games mechanics. Nine-gine is developed in assembly language and structured to easily build NROM games, the assembler directly outputs a valid iNES file.
- Main loop and interrupts handled by the engine
- Easy game structuring based on state-machine
- Layered animations for natural horizontal-flip
- Playing music loops
- Collision handling
- Input handling
- Running seamlessly on PAL and NTSC systems
- Various utility functions
A game is a collection of states. At any time, the game is on one of these states and can transition to another one. For example, a simple game could have two states: the title screen and the gameplay scene. The game would start on the title screen, transition and to gameplay when the player presses start.
A state has two routines, an initialization routine called once when entering the state, and a tick routine called each frame. It allows separating concerns and avoid pollution of the main states' code with logic handling menus, title screens and other supporting states.
The last 16 bytes of the zero page are used throughout the engine as memory registers. It can be used to store routines parameters, results or intermediate values. Labels tmpfield1 to tmpfield16 represent these addresses. Engine routines indicate which of these fields are used or impacted in a comment.
The background can only be modified during the NMI, and the NMI interruption is entirely handled by Nine-gine itself. Nametable buffers allow the game to modify background between frames by storing modifications in memory to be processed by the NMI handler.
Nametable buffers are stored sequentially beginning at the label nametable_buffers and using the following format:
byte 0 "continuation" | byte 1,2 "PPU address" | byte 3 "tiles count" | byte 4,5,... "tiles" |
0 or 1 | MSB, LSB (big endian) | Number of tiles | one tile per byte |
- continuation: always 1, put a 0 after the last buffer to mark the end of the list
- PPU address: address of the first byte to modify (PPU memory)
- tiles count: number of bytes in this buffer
- tiles: bytes to write in PPU memory
Note: while Nametable buffers are notably useful to modify nametables, hence the name, it can be effectively used to write anywhere in PPU memory.
Nine-gine allows defining multi-layers animations. It means that each 8x8 sprite composing the meta-sprite has its own Z-Index which is used by the engine to flip sprites naturally. So if your character holds his weapon in the right hand, flipping the sprite keeps it on the right hand.
An animation is defined by data about meta-sprites forming the animation. It can be instanciated in memory by an animation state, the state contains pointers to the animation data, its on-screen position and a counter to know which frame to draw. An animation state can be drawn on screen by the animation_draw routine
You will create a very little game, moving a sprite on a background. This will show the very basics of the game engine and give you something to improve upon.
A basic understanding of the NES' internals can be of great help to understand what you will be doing, but is not necessary to complete follow the steps.
You will need the XA cross assembler for 6502. It may be found on Archlinux in the package "community/xa", on Ubuntu in the package "xa65" and, for other platforms, you may find information here.
Clone the nine-gine repository:
$ git clone <github_repository>
The top-level directory contains the following files and sub directory:
- nine.asm: buildable file, it contains links to other files and instructions to build the project
- nine/: engine directory, contains nine-gine's source files, you should not have to modify it
- game/: game directory, contains game-specific source files, you will write things here
- examples/: little games to learn from
As you just got a fresh repository from git, the game/ directory is a symbolic link to the examples/ping/ directory. You can test that everything is fine by building the sample game:
$ xa nine.asm -C -o game.nes
If everything is fine, it creates the game.nes file which is a valid ROM that you can run in your emulator of choice.
Remove the symlink named game/ and create a new directory with this name. It will contain the sources of your game.
There is four mandatory files for any game
- game/game_states.asm: definition of game states and associated routines
- game/music/music.asm: musics data
- game/animations/animations.asm: animations data
- game/chr_rom.asm: CHR-ROM contents
Create these files now, you will learn to use each of them in following paragraphs:
$ mkdir -p game/music/ $ mkdir -p game/animations/ $ touch game/game_states.asm game/music/music.asm game/animations/animations.asm game/chr_rom.asm
This file contains the CHR-ROM. It is not directly a binary file, but contains instructions for XA to generate the binary. It allows adding comments to tiles. This file must generate the sprite tiles bank, followed by the nametable tiles bank.
Paste this contents:
* = 0 ; We just use * to count position in the CHR-rom, begin with zero is easy ; TILE $00 - Heart, frame 1 ; ; 00100100 ; 01211210 ; 12222221 ; 01222210 ; 01222210 ; 00122100 ; 00122100 ; 00011000 .byt %00100100, %01011010, %10000001, %01000010, %01000010, %00100100, %00100100, %00011000 .byt %00000000, %00100100, %01111110, %00111100, %00111100, %00011000, %00011000, %00000000 ; TILE $01 - Heart, frame 2 ; ; 00100100 ; 01311310 ; 13333331 ; 01333310 ; 01333310 ; 00133100 ; 00133100 ; 00011000 .byt %00100100, %01111110, %11111111, %01111110, %01111110, %00111100, %00111100, %00011000 .byt %00000000, %00100100, %01111110, %00111100, %00111100, %00011000, %00011000, %00000000 #if $1000-* < 0 #echo *** Error: VRAM bank1 data occupies too much space #else .dsb $1000-*, 0 #endif ; TILE $00 - Full backdrop color ; ; 00000000 ; 00000000 ; 00000000 ; 00000000 ; 00000000 ; 00000000 ; 00000000 ; 00000000 .byt $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00 .byt $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00 ; TILE $01 - Solid 1 ; ; 11111111 ; 11111111 ; 11111111 ; 11111111 ; 11111111 ; 11111111 ; 11111111 ; 11111111 .byt $ff, $ff, $ff, $ff, $ff, $ff, $ff, $ff .byt $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00 #if $2000-* < 0 #echo *** Error: VRAM bank2 data occupies too much space #else .dsb $2000-*, 0 #endif
This file uses * (current address) and macros to add padding if necessary, so that you can define only the tiles that are actually needed. The rest of the CHR-ROM is automatically filled with zeros.
The .byt pseudo-op outputs raw bytes, ideal to generate the binary of the CHR-ROM. As it is still a source file, you can (and should) add comments describing your sprites and their use.
In the sample file you just pasted, there is two sprite tiles each representing a heart but with different colors. It will be used to make a blinking heart animation. There also is two nametable tiles, simple monochromatic ones, it can be used to create a background with big pixels.
This file contains animations definitions. It is the static data, describing animation's frames. An animation frame is a collection of 8x8 sprites, shown for a certain duration. Looping over frames of an animation is made easy by the engine.
You need only one animation, the blinking heart. Let's describe it in this file:
anim_heart: ; Frame 1 ANIM_FRAME_BEGIN(10) ANIM_SPRITE($00, $00, $00, $00) ; Y, tile, attr, X ANIM_FRAME_END ; Frame 2 ANIM_FRAME_BEGIN(10) ANIM_SPRITE($00, $01, $00, $00) ; Y, tile, attr, X ANIM_FRAME_END ; End of animation ANIM_ANIMATION_END
As the animation is data that is stored somewhere in the PRG-ROM, you will need it's address, so begin with an easy to remember label. anim_heart is a perfect name for this animation and the label.
Using macros defined in nine-gine to describe the animation is nice to obtain an easy to read file. This animation is composed of two frames, each during 10 rendering frames (0.2 seconds) and is composed of a single sprite. The animation actually alternate colors of the heart.
This file describes routines associated to each game state.
It begins with a table of vectors pointing the routines of each state. As there is only one state to this game, there is one entry per table:
; Subroutine called when the state change to this state game_states_init: VECTOR(ingame_init) ; Subroutine called each frame game_states_tick: VECTOR(ingame_tick)
The initialization routine is in charge of drawing the screen's background. The easiest way to do this is to store the nametable in a compressed way:
palettes_data: ; Background .byt $20,$0d,$0d,$0d, $20,$0d,$0d,$0d, $20,$0d,$0d,$0d, $20,$0d,$0d,$0d ; Sprites .byt $20,$06,$25,$22, $20,$0d,$0d,$0d, $20,$0d,$0d,$0d, $20,$0d,$0d,$0d nametable_data: .byt ZIPNT_ZEROS(32*7) .byt ZIPNT_ZEROS(32*7+12) .byt $01, $01, $01, $01, $01 .byt ZIPNT_ZEROS(15+12) .byt $01, $01, $01, $01, $01 .byt ZIPNT_ZEROS(15+12) ; ------------------- ------------------- ------------------- ------------------- ------------------- ------------------- ------------------- ------------------- .byt $01, $01, $01, $01, $01 .byt ZIPNT_ZEROS(15+32*7) .byt ZIPNT_ZEROS(32*6) nametable_attributes: .byt ZIPNT_ZEROS(8*8) .byt ZIPNT_END
The nametable in this format can be decompressed by an utility routine of Nine-gine.
Each frame, the heart has to be updated. It can move or change color at any time. To be able to draw it correctly you need to store somewhere its animation state. Let's attribute some space for this data:
heart_animation_state = $0550 heart_x = heart_animation_state+ANIMATION_STATE_OFFSET_X_LSB heart_y = heart_animation_state+ANIMATION_STATE_OFFSET_Y_LSB
It begins at $0550 since Nine-gine does not uses it internally. You can read about labels used by Nine-gine in file nine/mem_labels.asm.
We also create labels heart_x and heart_y pointing to the animation position in the state, so we can easily move the heart by changing these values.
The initialization routine has to draw the nametable, as it is stored on Nine-gine's format, it is trivial to draw. We also need to initialize the heart animation's state:
; Initialization routine for ingame state ingame_init: .( ; Point PPU to Background palette 0 (see lda PPUSTATUS lda #$3f sta PPUADDR lda #$00 sta PPUADDR ; Write palette_data in actual ppu palettes ldx #$00 copy_palette: lda palettes_data, x sta PPUDATA inx cpx #$20 bne copy_palette ; Copy background from PRG-rom to PPU nametable lda #<nametable_data sta tmpfield1 lda #>nametable_data sta tmpfield2 jsr draw_zipped_nametable ; Initialize heart animation state lda #<heart_animation_state sta tmpfield11 lda #>heart_animation_state sta tmpfield12 lda #<anim_heart sta tmpfield13 lda #>anim_heart sta tmpfield14 jsr animation_init_state ; Init heart's position lda #$80 sta heart_x sta heart_y rts .)
Finally, the tick routine must handle input and refresh the heart:
; Tick routine for ingame state ingame_tick: .( ; ; Move the heart ; ; Check up button .( lda controller_a_btns and #CONTROLLER_BTN_UP beq ok dec heart_y ok: .) ; Check left button .( lda controller_a_btns and #CONTROLLER_BTN_LEFT beq ok dec heart_x ok: .) ; Check right button .( lda controller_a_btns and #CONTROLLER_BTN_RIGHT beq ok inc heart_x ok: .) ; Check down button .( lda controller_a_btns and #CONTROLLER_BTN_DOWN beq ok inc heart_y ok: .) ; ; Draw the heart ; ; Call animation_draw with its parameter lda #<heart_animation_state ; sta tmpfield11 ; The animation state to draw lda #>heart_animation_state ; sta tmpfield12 ; lda #0 ; sta tmpfield13 ; sta tmpfield14 ; Camera position (let it as 0/0) sta tmpfield15 ; sta tmpfield16 ; jsr animation_draw ; Advance animation one tick jsr animation_tick rts .)
Putting all these snippets to the file should be enough to make it work as intended
This file is the place for music data. Simply keep it empty, you may compose and integrate music later.
If you followed the above steps, you should be able to build your first game. Simply assemble the nine.asm file on the top folder:
$ xa xa nine.asm -C -o 'heart(E).nes'
Note the (E) in the .nes file name. ROMs produced by Nine-gine can run almost identically on PAL and NTSC systems, but their native system is PAL, indicating it in the filename helps most emulators to understand it.
Change A to its absolute unsigned value
Draw the current frame of an animation tmpfield11, tmpfield12 - vector to the animation_state tmpfield13, tmpfield14 - camera position X (signed 16 bits) tmpfield15, tmpfield16 - camera position Y (signed 16 bits) Overwrites tmpfields 1 to 10, tmpfields 13 to 16 and all registers
Initialize a memory location to be a valid animation state tmpfield11, tmpfield12 - vector to the animation state tmpfield13, tmpfield14 - vector to the animation data Overwrites registers A and Y
Advance animation's clock tmpfield11, tmpfield12 - vector to the animation_state Overwrites all registers, tmpfield3, tmpfield4, tmpfield8 and tmpfield9
Check if two rectangles collide tmpfield1 - Rectangle 1 left tmpfield2 - Rectangle 1 right tmpfield3 - Rectangle 1 top tmpfield4 - Rectangle 1 bottom tmpfield5 - Rectangle 2 left tmpfield6 - Rectangle 2 right tmpfield7 - Rectangle 2 top tmpfield8 - Rectangle 2 botto tmpfield9 is set to #$00 if rectangles overlap, or to #$01 otherwise
Allows to inderectly call a pointed subroutine normally with jsr tmpfield1,tmpfield2 - subroutine to call
Change the game's state register A - new game state WARNING - This routine never returns. It changes the state then restarts the main loop.
Check if a movement collide with an obstacle tmpfield1 - Original position X tmpfield2 - Original position Y tmpfield3 - Final position X (high byte) tmpfield4 - Final position Y (high byte) tmpfield5 - Obstacle top-left X tmpfield6 - Obstacle top-left Y tmpfield7 - Obstacle bottom-right X tmpfield8 - Obstacle bottom-right Y tmpfield9 - Final position X (low byte) tmpfield10 - Final position Y (low byte) tmpfield3, tmpfield4, tmpfield9 and tmpfield10 are rewritten with a final position that do not pass through obstacle.
Check if a movement passes through a line from above to under tmpfield2 - Original position Y tmpfield3 - Final position X (high byte) tmpfield4 - Final position Y (high byte) tmpfield5 - Obstacle top-left X tmpfield6 - Obstacle top-left Y tmpfield7 - Obstacle bottom-right X tmpfield10 - Final position Y (low byte) tmpfield3, tmpfield4, tmpfield9 and tmpfield10 are rewritten with a final position that do not pass through obstacle.
Copy a palette from a palettes table to the ppu register X - PPU address LSB (MSB is fixed to $3f) tmpfield1 - palette number in the table tmpfield2, tmpfield3 - table's address Overwrites registers
Deactivate the particle block begining at "particle_blocks, y"
Draw an animation frame on screen tmpfield1 - Position X LSB tmpfield2 - Position Y LSB tmpfield3, tmpfield4 - Vector pointing to the frame to draw tmpfield5 - First sprite index to use tmpfield6 - Last sprite index to use tmpfield7 - Animation's direction (0 normal, 1 flipped) tmpfield8 - Position X MSB tmpfield9 - Position Y MSB Overwrites tmpfield5, tmpfield10, tmpfield13, tmpfield14, tmpfield15 and all registers
Copy a compressed nametable to PPU tmpfield1 - compressed nametable address (low) tmpfield2 - compressed nametable address (high) Overwrites all registers, tmpfield1 and tmpfield2
A routine doing nothing, it can be used as dummy entry in jump tables
Hide all particles in the block begining at "particle_blocks, y"
Indicate that the input modification on this frame has not been consumed
Set register X to the offset of the continuation byte of the first empty nametable buffer Overwrites register A
Call a subroutine for each block tmpfield1, tmpfield2 - adress of the subroutine to call For each call, Y is the offset of the block's first byte from particle_blocks
Call a subroutine for each particle in a block tmpfield1, tmpfield2 - adress of the subroutine to call Y - offset of the block's first byte from particle_blocks For each call, Y is the offset of the particle's first byte and tmpfield3 is the particle number (from 1)
Multiply tmpfield1 by tmpfield2 in tmpfield3 tmpfield1 - multiplicand (low byte) tmpfield2 - multiplicand (high byte) tmpfield3 - multiplier Result stored in tmpfield4 (low byte) and tmpfield5 (high byte) Overwrites register A, tmpfield4 and tmpfield5
Produce a list of three tile indexes representing a number tmpfield1 - Number to represent tmpfield2 - Destination address LSB tmpfield3 - Destionation address MSB Overwrites timfield1, timpfield2, tmpfield3, tmpfield4, tmpfield5, tmpfield6 and all registers.
Draw particles according to their state
Deactivate all particle handlers
Copy nametable buffers to PPU nametable A nametable buffer has the following pattern: continuation (1 byte), address (2 bytes), number of tiles (1 byte), tiles (N bytes) continuation - 1 there is a buffer, 0 work done address - address where to write in PPU address space (big endian) number of tiles - Number of tiles in this buffer tiles - One byte per tile, representing the tile number Overwrites register X and tmpfield1
Empty the list of nametable buffers
Perform multibyte signed comparison tmpfield6 - a (low) tmpfield7 - a (high) tmpfield8 - b (low) tmpfield9 - b (high) Output - N flag set if "a < b", unset otherwise C flag set if "(unsigned)a < (unsigned)b", unset otherwise Overwrites register A
Wait the next 50Hz frame, returns once NMI is complete May skip frames to ensure a 50Hz average
Wait the next frame, returns once NMI is complete