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Rupture Model Generator (RMG), based on 1-point and 2-point statistics of earthquake source parameters


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% Rupture Model Generator (RMG), based on 1-point and 2-point statistics of earthquake source parameters
% SongRMG Version 2018.04 
% Reference: Song & Dalguer (2013, GJI), Song et al. (2014, GJI), Song (2016, GJI)

% Release Notes
0) The input models, currently available, were obatained for Mw 6.5 - 7.0. It needs to be used with cautions outside this range.
1) Currently, the Gaussian distribution is assummed for 1-point statistics. Thus, negative values for each source parameter are truncated.
2) The positive definiteness of the covariance matrix for both auto and cross-correlations of source parameters is acheived by replacing negative eigenvalues with slightly positive ones after the eigenvalue decomposition of the covariance matrix.
3) Currently, only the exponential function is used for the funcitonal form of both auto and cross-correlation.
4) Only the slip distribution is tapered around the fault boundary, no tapering for rupture velocity and peak slip velocity yet.
5) Both mean and standard deviation of the input rupture velocity are increased by a factor of 1.5. This is an ad-hoc solution to make the rupture velocity fast enough for the time being.

6) Python version is also given in the "rmg_python" folder

% File structure 
SongRMG.m	=> main script

% Input
gen_src.m 	=> basic description for source model 
gen_stats.m 	=> set up target 1-point and 2-point statistics
gen_stats_inp.m => automatic setup for 1-point and 2-point statistics

% Rupture model generator
gen_rup.m	=> generate rupture models (main subscript)	
gen_dist.m	=> reproducing target 2-point statistics 
gen_rho.m	=> input coherence structure for 'gen_dist.m' 

./FastMarching/code/fm.m  => compute rupture time with rupture velocity by FastMarching algorithm (M. Buehren)

gen_svf.m	=> generate slip velocity function
svf_pliu.m	=> generate pliu SVF (Liu et al. BSSA, 2006)
svf_etinti.m    => generate etinti SVF (Tinti et al. JGR, 2005)

% Output
gen_srf.m	=> generate SRF files (SRF: Standard Rupture Format by R. Graves)

% Utility
b_taper.m => tapering slip distribution near fault boundary

fmomentN.m  => compute Mo and Mw from slip dist.
fMo2MwN.m   => Mo => Mw
fMw2MoN.m   => Mw => Mo

p_rup.m   => plotting simulated ruptue models
p_mrf.m   => plotting moment rate function and its spectrum
p_p1.m    => analyzing 1-point statistics of simulated rupture models
p_p2.m    => analyzing 2-point statistics of simulated rupture models 
co_vario2.m => computing 2D correlogram, called by p_p2.m


Rupture Model Generator (RMG), based on 1-point and 2-point statistics of earthquake source parameters








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