🤗 Hugging Face Profile: https://huggingface.co/shahzebnaveed
✒️ Medium Profile: https://medium.com/@shahzebnaveed
Top Articles:
- Build a custom Chatbot using Hugging Face Chat UI and Cosmos DB on Azure Kubernetes Service
- Generate “Verified” Python Code Using AutoGen Conversable Agents
- Deploy Hugging Face Text Generation Inference on Azure Container Instance
- AI-Generated Animations Are Here (Almost...)
- Develop a UI for Azure Prompt Flow with Streamlit
🧑🏫 Udemy Profile: https://www.udemy.com/user/shahzeb-naveed-6/
My FREE course:
📺 YouTube Profile: https://www.youtube.com/@datawithshahzeb
🔭 I’m currently working on:
- Large Language Models, Multi-Agent Chains, Chat Bot Applications, AI-assisted Manim-ations, and Microsoft Azure.
🌱 I’m currently learning:
- Advanced techniques for optimizing, quantizing, aligning, fine-tuning and deploying LLMs. I'm also learning to develop REST APIs using FastAPI.
📫 Connect with me on LinkedIn.