PixelFetch is your one-stop destination for finding and downloading wallpapers of your choice. It is a web application developed using Python and Django framework. With PixelFetch, you can easily search for any wallpaper you desire and download it based on your preferences. The application features a user-friendly interface with a convenient search bar and tags, making it effortless to discover wallpapers based on your preferences.
- Wallpaper Search: Users can search for wallpapers using keywords and tags to find their desired wallpapers.
- Tag-based Filtering: Wallpapers are categorized using tags, allowing users to filter wallpapers based on specific categories or themes.
- User-Friendly Interface: The application provides a clean and intuitive interface, ensuring a smooth browsing experience.
- Wallpaper Details: Users can view detailed information about wallpapers, including the uploader's name, number of likes, title, description, and related tags.
- Download: Users can easily download wallpapers with a single click.
- Python: Programming language used for backend development.
- Django: Web framework used for developing the web application.
- HTML/CSS: Markup languages used for structuring and styling the web pages.
Follow these instructions to set up the PixelFetch application on your local machine.
- Python 3.x: Make sure you have Python installed on your system.
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/shahzealc/Django-PixelFetch.git
Navigate to the project directory:
cd PixelFetch
Install the required dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Get your API Key from Unsplash
Replace your API key with
in the code -
Run the application:
python manage.py runserver
Open your web browser and visit: