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This project is designed to address a need to depoy an instance of a private kubernetes cluster, with a complementing private registry cluster, using terraform.

Prerequisites and one-time setups

  • All configuration is set against westeurope (hard-coded), as it is the closest DC.
  • Initial storage account was created manually. It did not include infrastructure encryption. For improved security, it’s better to include it, and using either Microsoft managed keys, or a private key from a customer managed key vault. It can be included in the deployment, and managed on a per project level. az storage account create --name projname_storage --resource_group projname_core_storage --location westeurope --require-infrastructure-encryption true
  • There are additional approaches to accessing the private K8S cluster other than RunCommandPreview. Like Virtual Network Peering, using a jump-box (bastion), or VPN. There are considerations to the suitable selection. More details in
  • Private link to K8S registry require the Premium SKU. .
  • The network subnets are class D. (provide 251 addresses)
  • I used a Mac machine, install azure cli:
    1. brew update && brew install azure-cli
    2. az login (or without web browser az login –use_device_code)
  • Install terraform:
  • As a one-time setup, enable the RunCommandPreview option (to access and run commands against a private K8S cluster) Enable Run command preview feature: (one time per subscription) – takes a few minutes az feature register --namespace "Microsoft.ContainerService" --name "RunCommandPreview"

It takes few minutes for status to show Registered. Can verify status by running: az feature list -o table --query "[?contains(name, 'Microsoft.ContainerService/RunCommandPreview')].{Name:name,State:properties.state}" Image of CLI

When ready, refresh the registration of the resource provider: az provider register --namespace Microsoft.ContainerService

To provision a private instance:

  1. Clone the private_kube repo. and issue:
    1. cd private_kube
    2. terraform init
    3. terraform apply (will be prompted for a project name. must be alphanumeric)


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