This project was made by Shaked Cohen, Noam Cohen and Roi Avraham. 😃
we have created a site "inspired" by WhatsApp for multi platform communication.
This web site was created using React JS, and server side using ASP.NET. Also used axios and signalR libraries.
- supports registration and login.
- great design.
- responsive server.
- we have added a rating page.
- You can search ratings by name or by text.
for this project you need to clone 3 repos:
for running the react client:
install dependencies using
npm i
run site using
npm start
with a browser -
change in ustils/globals the paths so servers:
Server - API server
ratingServer - MVC server
- to run 2 or more clients, run each in a separate browser because this app uses cookies
for running the api server:
- make sure to install mariadb with username root and password toor.
- delete db called WhenUpDB if exist.
you can skip those 2 steps by changing the db settings in
- delete migration folder.
- in package manager run
Add-Migration init
. - run the server
for the rating server:
- delete migration folder.
- in package manager run
Add-Migration init
. - run the server
if needed, install EntityFrameworkCore by entering int Package Manager Console
Install-Package Pomelo.EntityFrameworkCore.MySql -Version 6.0.1
Install-Package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkcore.Tools -Version 6.0.1
this project uses:
- react
- react router -
- bootstrap - using cdn
- Axios
- SignalR