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This project is heavily inspired by Frame, and implements a similar behavior using a CLI and data stored in a markdown file for greater accessibility.

What is this?

now is a minimal, opinionated, terminal-based tool for reminding you what to focus on.


now treats all work as a tree, where higher items are broader, and lower items are more specific.

- Accomplish quarterly goals
  - Learn rust
    - Take a course for beginners
      - Open @
  - Document the spacing scale in the design system
    - Review examples of good documentation
      - Check out storybook's projects showcase
      - Search briefly for other resources

now will highlight the immediate item you're focused on, ▶︎ Open, and display that item's ancestors as a breadcrumb trail Accomplish quarterly goals / Learn rust / Take a course for beginners, providing just enough context for what could be a very specific task.


curl -fsSL | bash

Using now

  • After installing, start now in your terminal with now tui. Open it again in the same directory to access the same set of tasks.

  • Start with broad tasks. If you're making progress, continue. If at any point your work becomes unclear or too broad, narrow your focus to something more specific and actionable. When you're done with something, now deletes it and moves your focus to the next actionable item.

  • now respects yak-shaving by not asking you to think about subtasks, headings, or working contexts. There is only a simple, ephemeral tree.

  • Try using now in VSCode with the * file for an overview of available work.

    Now in VSCode


This project is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, January 2004.


Minimal Deno+Markdown clone of Frame




