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A Windows only OpenGL 4.6 renderer for testing different rendering techniques & solutions.

Development of this project has been discontinued in favor of PKRenderer.

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Implemented Features

  • Clustered forward rendering.
  • Volumetric fog & lighting.
  • Realtime global illumination (Voxel cone tracing).
  • Temporal reprojection for volumetrics & screen space GI.
  • Variance shadow mapping.
  • Light cookies.
  • Point, spot & directional lights.
  • Cacaded shadow maps for directional lights.
  • Physically based shading (Cook-Torrance brdf).
  • HDR bloom.
  • Tone mapping & color grading.
  • Film grain.
  • Auto exposure.
  • Depth of field with auto focus.
  • Screen space ambient occlusion.
  • Octahedron hdr environment maps.
  • Multi compile shader variants.
  • Asset hot reloading.
  • Shader material/property block system.
  • Instanced dynamic batching.

Planned Features

  • Rectangular area light support.
  • Exponential variance shadow maps.
  • Motion vectors.
  • Render queues (currently only supports opaque renderers).
    • Transparent queue with back to front sorting.
  • Documentation.

Render Pipeline Execution Order

A rough overview of the steps taken to render a frame. (Some steps are omitted to avoid repetition).

  • Cull geometry & lights.
  • Update lights system.
    • Sort lights by type & shadowmap usage.
    • Update light data buffers.
    • Render shadowmaps for shadow casting lights.
      • Render in batches of 4 (or 1 in the case of directional lights).
      • Gather shadow casting geometry for the batch.
      • Render intermediate shadow map.
      • Perform blur.
      • Blit into shadow map atlas.
  • Render scene depth, normals & roughness.
  • Compute light clusters.
    • compute max depth per 2d tile.
    • assign lights to clusters & cull clusters outside of max depth range.
  • Render screen space ambient occlusion from scene depth & normals.
  • Render visible geometry into gi volume.
  • Render screen space gi.
  • Forward render opaque objects.
    • Update instancing buffers.
      • Gather material properties to per shader property buffers.
      • Gather matrices to matrix buffers.
    • Draw instanced (PBR fragment shader overview).
      • Sample scene OEM for ambient specular & diffuse.
      • Sample & apply SSAO (Only affects ambient lighting).
      • Access contributing lights list from light clusters.
      • Process each light in the list through the material's BRDF.
  • Render Volumetrics.
    • Compute Lighting & density per volume cell.
      • Process visible lights
      • Inject light from gi volume.
    • Compute integrated scattering per volume cell.
    • Composite with forward output.
  • (TODO) Render transparent objects.
  • Render depth of field
    • Compute auto focus distance.
    • Downsample forward output.
    • Render blurred foreground & background into two layers.
    • Upsample & composite layers with high res forward output.
  • Bloom & Tonemapping
    • Compute luminance histogram from forward output.
    • Compute & interpolate auto exposure from luminance histogram.
    • Render bloom layers (35 passes of separable blur outputted into 6 different bloom layers).
    • Composite bloom layers.
    • Apply auto exposure & tonemapping.
    • Apply gamma correction.

Performance Metrics

  • Average frame timings profiled on a NVIDIA RTX 2080 TI at 1080p resolution (These were recorded before global illumination was implemented).
  • The test scene has only 512 objects with 3 different materials & 2 different meshes.
  • Light types are distributed so that there exists one directional light & an equal amount point & spot lights.
  • Light radii are set at 40m to achieve good saturation in light clusters.
  • The test scene has all features enabled (a test without volumetrics would probably run a lot faster).

Results with shadow casting lights:

  • 0 lights : 1.4ms
  • 5 lights : 2.1ms
  • 17 lights : 3.0ms
  • 33 lights : 4.3ms
  • 54 lights : 5.8ms

Results with non shadow casting lights:

  • 32 lights : 1.9ms
  • 64 lights : 2.4ms
  • 128 lights : 3.5ms
  • 256 lights : 5.8ms
  • 512 lights : 7.2ms

Known Issues & Performance Drawbacks

  • Matrix buffers are currently mapped per pass. Which is causing a lot of data duplication & some driver stalls.
    • A more optimal solution would be to gather matrices that contribute to the current frame into a single buffer & only build index buffers per pass.
  • OpenGL doesn't support multiple command queues or async dispatches. Which leads to otherwise easily multithreadable passes having to be executed consecutively.
  • Using sparse textures would probably be more performant in the following scenarios:
    • Shadow map atlas allocation. Currently the entire atlas is allocated in full. As opposed to only commiting sparse tiles for active areas.
    • Shader property instancing currently uses bindless texture handles for material properties. Creating a sparse texture atlas for them would probably be more cache friendly.
  • Culling of for each pass is currently done on the cpu. This could be moved to the gpu instead.
  • Vertex shader input attribute layouts are not ensured to match with vao attribute layouts in anyway.
  • Vertex array objects are not shared among meshes but instead created per mesh.
    • A better approach could be to have attribute layout based vao cache & switch vertex buffers between drawcalls instead.
  • Volumetric sample dithering causes artifacts on far away high frequency lighting effects.
    • This could be fixed by breaking up the low resolution sampling pattern in the composite pass with high frequency noise & then using temporal AA to hide the high frequency noise.

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