The computer is built of various things
- Memory is a big long series of bytes
Bus is a group of wires assigned on purpose. Address Bus: purpose is to tell the memory what the adress is.
Data bus: bus on which processor and memory communicate.
PC: program counter Instruction register: Inside this will be decoded and operation will be carried out.
ALU: arithmetic and logical unit, actually does the operations.
RISC-V follows 3 operand notation as studied in [[Main - CMPUT 229]].
add a, b, c is a <- b+c
addi: add immediate an immediate means in the assembly text we are writing an actual number.
In assembly we write registers.
sub - subtraction
risc-v does operations one at a time
mapping - how does processor find values assumptions such as f is in s0 and g is in s1
RISC-V has 32, 32-bit register file
Register is used for frequently accessed data. Register access is fast Memory access is slow
Registers are numberted from 0 to 31. A "word" is formed by 32 bits. Size of data easiest for computer to work with.
t0,t1 .. t6 for termporary variables s0,s1, .. s11 for saved variables
Uses 0-based indexing
Array is homogenous data list First address of array is called the base of array.
say we use word sized integer -> 4 bytes to an integer
RISC V is a little endian architecture
- Least significant bytes at the lowest address.
How to move from memory to processor:
"load word" loads from specified memory location into a a registor in the processor "store word" from a register into a specified memory location
- only one memory operand (restriction in risc v), can't do memory to memory
A[0] = h + A[2]
h <> s2
A <> s1
This is in C This in Assembly would look like
lw t0, 8(s1)
add t0, s2, t0
sw t0, 0(s1)
Here we use 8(s1) to specify that we need word 3 from Array 0,4,8.
There is no subtraction immediate
Design Principle 3: make the common case fast small constants are common
Memory operands
Main memory used for composite data like an array or string or a struct. String is an array of characters.
Memory is byte addressed
Can't do aligned load
Q. Why is register access faster than memory access? A.
Control Bus: Carries read signal
Memory Controller
Instructions also have addresses
- machine code
- opcodes
- few formats
takes 3 register operands to perform some operation
add t0, s7, s5
x5, x23, x21
funct7 | rs2 | rs1 | funct3 | rd | opcode |
0x00 | 21 | 23 | 0x00 | 5 | 0x33 |
Field | Description |
opcode | Basic operation of the instruction |
rd | Destination register |
funct3 | Additional opcode |
rs1 | First register source operand |
rs2 | Second register source operand |
funct7 | Additional opcode |
rd, rs1, rs2 are 5 bits as there are 32 registers. 2^5
assembler converts assembly to binary
2 registers instructions with immediates.
lw t0, 23, s3
immediate | rs1 | func3 | rd | opcode |
23 | 19 | 0x2 | 5 | 0x03 |
2 registers
sw t0, 1200(t1)
x5, x6
immediate[11:5] | rs2 | rs1 | func3 | imm[4:0] | opcode |
37 | 5 | 6 | 0x2 | 16 | 0x23 |
used for bigger immediates than 12 bits
lui t0, 0x0F008
load upper immediate
if (i==j)
f= g + :
f = g - hl
bne s3, s4 Subtract
add s0, s1, s2
jal zero, Exit
Subtract: sub s0, s1, s2
immediate[12|10:5] | rs2 | rs1 | func3 | imm[4:1|11] | opcode |
0|0x00 | 20 | 19 | 0x1 | 0x6|0 | 0x63 |
Unconditional jump to an address
Distance with a branch is limited Jump can go farther
Unconditional jump to first instruction of another function
Must record, in a register, the return address
RISC V does not have a jump and instruction. It uses jal for a jump Records the return address in x0 as x0 is always 0
Register zero is the constant 0. Hardwired to zero and cannot be overwritten. Used for :
- moving between registers
- setting a variable to 0
- two ways to perform an unconditional jump
immediate[20|10:1|11|19:12] | rd | opcode |
slli t2, s0, 4