In this project I have assembled a drone using ATMega328 as the main processing unit on both, receiving and transmitting ends. The drone has a MPU6050 integrated with it(for orientation and balancing), and HC-12 module as Transceiver.
- Quadcopter RC (Transmitter)
- Consists of an ATMega328 connected to a computer. This can be replaced by Raspberry PI for portability. RC sends the thrust values for each motor.
- Quadcopter flight controller (Receiver)
- Consists of an ATMega328 connected to an IMU (MPU6050), 4 ESCs (which is connected to the brushless motors).
- Quadcopter consists of two batteries, a 12V Li-Po Battery (for brushless motors)& a normal 9V (for the onboard flight controller).
- There is an onboard OLED screen present for debugging & testing.
- Communication
- Both sides communicate using HC-12 Transceiver module, at a baud rate of 38400.
Project is created with:
- ATMega328
- Processing
- HC-12 Transceiver module
- MPU6050
- ESC (30A)
- Advance Quadcopter Maneuverability
- Wireless communication
- Move forward
- Move reverse
- Move left
- Move right
- Stay/Stop Motion.
- Consists of:
- ATMega328/MCU
- Wireless module (HC-12 Transceiver module)
- Connected serially to the RC interface.
- Consists of:
- ATMega328/MCU
- MPU6050
- ESC (30A)
- Wireless module (HC-12 Transceiver module)