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AWS CDK sample list


Stack name Description Noted
VpcSimpleCreate Amazon VPC simple network with public, private and isolated subnets.
VpcClienVpnStack AWS Client VPN create with Cloudwatch logs. readmore
TransitGatewayStack Transit Gateway simple network
CloudTrailStack CloudTrail enable with data events
Ec2StressHttpAutoscalingGroupStack Stress HTTP service with autoscaling group.
Ec2WindowsWebJoinDomainAutoscalingGroupStack Windows Server IIS web with autoscaling group and join AD domain
GithubEnterpriseServerStack Github Enterprise with autoscaling group
EcsFargateCore Amazon ECS simple cluster with AWS Fargate.
EcsScalingBySqsStack Amazon ECS scaling based on SQS items. readmore
EksWithWorkerNodeStack Amazon EKS with managed node groups
EksWithFargateStack Amazon EKS with AWS Fargate.
EksIntegCodePipelineDeployStack Amazon EKS integrate AWS code series deployment pipeline
EksEmrContainerStack Amazon EMR on EKS with AWS Fargate readmore
MultiSourceWithApprovalPipelineStack CodePipeline trigger sources from Amazon S3 and Codecommit
CloudFrontOrginS3WithLambdaEdgeStack CloudFront serve static website with Lambda@Edge.
S3ObjectLambdaUppercaseStack Amazon S3 transforming data with object lambda
EnableAwsGuarddutyStackSetStack CloudFormation stackset enable AWS Guardduty.
ApiGatewayCognitoStack API Gateway authrizer with Cognito
ImportCloudFormationStack Import exist cloudformation stack
TerraformBackendStack Terraform state backend locking resources with Amazon S3 and DynamoDB

How to deploy

First bootstrap your cdk environment

$ cdk bootstrap

Deploy Stack name to your account:

$ cdk deploy ${stack_name}

Author & Contact

The best way to interact with me is through GitHub. You can open an issue for help anything about AWS CDK.



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