This script automates text cleaning over one or more text files. Input should consist one or more messages separated by pipe dividers ('|').
Run the following at the Terminal prompt to get started for Python 2.7:
$ python2 --input example_texts
or (for Python 3.x):
$ python3 --input example_texts
The core spell correcting function requires the Python nltk package. In order to install this in your current environment, input the following at your Terminal prompt:
$ pip install nltk
Currently the following cleaning functions are supported for each message in the text file:
1.) Repeating tokens are removed; first instance is kept:
- "I am John John John" >>> "I am John"
2.) Mixed type tokens are removed, e.g. "John23", "$Max$", however some special cases are kept:
- Dollars ($5, $5,000)
- Percentages (2%, 2,000%)
- HH:MM Times (4:00, 17:00)
- Ordinals (5th, 22nd, 33rd, 71st)
- Punctuation at end of token (Hello!, Yes?, Jacks', 101,)
- Apostrophe tokens (Don't, Didn't, Jack's)
3.) Long tokens are removed (character string length greater than 13):
- "1234567890123455"
- "nowthishereisareallylongword"
4.) Tokens with three or more repeating characters are removed:
- "Rogggger"
- "1000000"
5.) All non-punctuation symbols are removed (@, ^, #, etc.), however math expressions are kept:
- "2 + 2"
- "5 * 5"
- "7 - 7 = 0"
6.) Repeating quad-groups, tri-groups, and bi-groups are removed; first instance is kept:
- "I am watching I am watching I am watching I am watching" >>> ""I am watching"
7.) Gibberish tokens are removed (this is based on the author's subjective discretion):
- "alskdjfaasdlfjkasd"
- "s"
- "iaaiuuuuwu"