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446 lines (446 loc) · 40.1 KB

File metadata and controls

446 lines (446 loc) · 40.1 KB
  • csvtk v0.31.0 Github Releases (by Release)
    • csvtk sort/join:
      • faster speed and lower memory.
    • csvtk summary:
      • fix the order of columns. #282
    • csvtk rename2:
      • fix -n/--start-num. #286
      • add flag --nr-width.
    • csvtk replace:
      • fix implementing {nr}. #286
    • csvtk spread:
      • add a new alias "scatter" to "spread". #265
    • csvtk grep:
      • do not show progress.
    • csvtk fix-quotes:
      • new flag -b, --buffer-size.
    • csvtk plot line:
      • only add legend for more than one group. #279
  • csvtk v0.30.0 Github Releases (by Release)
    • csvtk:
      • grouping subcommands in help message.
      • add a new global flag --quiet. #261
      • add a new global flag -U, --delete-header for disable outputing the header row. Supported commands: concat, csv2tab/tab2csv, csv2xlsx/xlsx2csv, cut, filter, filter2, freq, fold/unfold, gather, fmtdate, grep, head, join, mutate, mutate2, replace, round, sample. #258
      • support more commands with -Z/--show-row-number: head.
    • csvtk dim:
      • fix duplicated rows for multiple input files, this bug was introduced in v0.27.0.
    • csvtk concat:
      • fix panic when no data found. #259
    • csvtk spread:
      • fix flag checking of -k and -v.
    • csvtk sort:
      • fix ordering when given multiple custom levels.
    • csvtk filter/filter2:
      • fix printing row number with -Z.
    • csvtk xls2csv:
      • output raw data. #262
    • csvtk pretty:
      • change the default value of -n/--buf-rows from 128 to 1024, and 0 for loading all data.
    • csvtk join:
      • new flag -s/--suffix for adding suffixes to colnames from each file. #263
  • csvtk v0.29.0 Github Releases (by Release)
    • new commands:
      • fix-quotes: fix malformed CSV/TSV caused by double-quotes. #260
      • del-quotes: remove extra double-quotes added by fix-quotes.
    • csvtk del-header:
      • fix deleting headers of 2nd and later files. #257
    • csvtk concat:
      • fix panic when no data found.
    • csvtk sort:
      • support column names containing colons. #254
    • csvtk filter2:
      • update doc: add the in keyword. #195
      • fix specifying the position for the new column containing only a constant string. #252
    • csvtk plot:
      • add a new flag --tick-label-size.
    • csvtk pretty:
      • fix showing cell data containing "tabs", by replacing tabs with spaces.
  • csvtk v0.28.0 Github Releases (by Release)
    • csvtk:
      • add the shortcut -X for the flag --infile-list. #249
    • csvtk pretty:
      • support field ranges for -m/--align-center and -r/--align-right. #244
    • csvtk spread:
      • support values sharing the same keys. #248
    • csvtk join:
      • a new flag -P/--prefix-duplicates: add filenames as colname prefixes only for duplicated colnames. #246
    • csvtk mutate2:
      • fix changing the order of the header row, the code was accidentally missing during code refactoring in v0.27.0. #252
    • csvtk xlsx2csv:
      • fix open /tmp/excelize-: no such file or directory error for big .xlsx files. #251
    • csvtk comb:
      • fix the empty result bug for alphabet sizes greater than 64.
  • csvtk v0.27.2 Github Releases (by Release)
    • csvtk pretty:
      • fix the bug of empty first row with -H/--no-header-row, introduced in v0.27.0.
      • new style 3line for three-line table.
    • csvtk csv2xlsx:
      • binaries compiled with go1.21 would result in a broken xlsx file. #243
    • csvtk splitxlsx:
      • fix the error of invalid worksheet index. #1617
  • csvtk v0.27.1 Github Releases (by Release)
    • csvtk filter2/mutate2:
      • fix the bug of selecting with field numbers, introduced in v0.27.0. #242
  • csvtk v0.27.0 Github Releases (by Release)
    • csvtk:
      • code refactoring and simplifying code, with 16% less code.
      • most commands support open column range syntax, e.g., csvtk grep -f 2-. #120
      • only selected column names are not allowed to be duplicated in the input data: box, corr, filter, filter2, fold, freq, gather, historysort, inter, join, line, mutate, mutate2, rename, replace, sep, split, summary, unfold, uniq, watch. Other commands do not have the restriction. #235
      • add a new global flag -Z/--show-row-number, supported commands: cut, csv2tab, csv2xlsx, tab2csv, pretty.
      • the colum name of row number changes from "n" to "row": csv2xlsx, csv2tab, cut, filter, filter2, grep, pretty, sample, tab2csv.
    • new command:
      • csvtk spread: spread a key-value pair across multiple columns, like tidyr::spread/pivot_wider. #91, #236, #239
    • csvtk mutate/mutate2:
      • new flags --at, --before, --after for specifying the position of the new column. #193
    • csvtk cut:
      • fix unselect range error. #234
      • fix -i/--ignore-case.
    • csvtk pretty:
      • allow align-center and align-right for specific columns. #240
    • csvtk round:
      • fix bug of failing to round scientific notation with value small than one, e.g., 7.1E-1.
    • csvtk summary:
      • fix duplicated columns.
      • fix result error when multiple stats applied to the same column.
    • csvtk corr/watch:
      • rewrite and fix bug, support choosing fields with column names.
  • csvtk v0.26.0 Github Releases (by Release)
    • csvtk:
      • near all commands skip empty files now. #204
      • the global flag --infile-list accepts stdin "-". #210
    • new command csvtk fix: fix CSV/TSV with different numbers of columns in rows. #226
    • csvtk pretty: rewrite to support wrapping cells. #206 #209 #228
    • csvtk cut/fmtdate/freq/grep/rename/rename2/replace/round: allow duplicated column names.
    • csvtk csv2xlsx: optionally stores numbers as float. #217
    • csvtk xlsx2csv: fix bug where xlsx2csv treats small number (padj < 1e-25) as 0. It's solved by updating the excelize package. #261
    • csvtk join: a new flag for adding filename as column name prefix. by @tetedange13 #202
    • csvtk mutate2: fix wrongly treating strings like E10 as numbers in scientific notation. #219
    • csvtk sep: fix the logic. #218
    • csvtk space2tab: fix "bufio.Scanner: token too long". #231
  • csvtk v0.25.0 Github Releases (by Release)
    • csvtk: report empty files.
    • csvtk join: fix loading file with no records.
    • csvtk filter2/muate2:
      • support variable format of ${var} with special charactors including commas, spaces, and parentheses, e.g., ${a,b}, ${a b}, or ${a (b)}. #186
    • csvtk sort: fix checking non-existed fileds.
    • csvtk plot box/hist/line: new flag --skip-na for skipping missing data. #188
    • csvtk csv2xlsx: stores number as float. #192
    • csvtk summary: new functions argmin and argmax. #181
  • csvtk v0.24.0 Github Releases (by Release)
    • Incompatible changes:
      • csvtk mutate2/summary:
        • mutate2: remove the option -L/--digits.
        • use the same option -w/--decimal-width to limit floats to N decimal points.
    • new command csvtk fmtdate: format date of selected fields. #159
    • csvtk grep: fix bug for searching with -r -p ..
    • csvtk csv2rst: fix bug for data containing unicode. #137
    • csvtk filter2: fix bug for date expression. #146
    • csvtk mutate2/filter2:
      • change the way of rexpression evaluation.
      • add custom functions: len(). #153
      • fix bug when using two or more columns with common prefixes in column names. #173
      • fix value with single or double quotes. #174
    • csvtk cut: new flags -m/--allow-missing-col and -b/--blank-missing-col. #156
    • csvtk pretty: still add header row for empty column.
    • csvtk csv2md: better format.
    • csvtk join: new flag -n/--ignore-null. #163
  • csvtk v0.23.0 Github Releases (by Release)
    • new comand: csvtk csv2rst for converting CSV to reStructuredText format. #137
    • csvtk pretty: add header separator line. #123
    • csvtk mutate2/summary: fix message and doc. Thanks @VladimirAlexiev #127
    • csvtk mutate2: fix null coalescence: ??. #129
    • csvtk genautocomplete: supports bash|zsh|fish|powershell. #126
    • csvtk cat: fix progress bar. #130
    • csvtk grep: new flag immediate-output.
    • csvtk csv2xlsx: fix bug for table with > 26 columns. 138
  • csvtk v0.22.0 Github Releases (by Release)
    • csvtk:
      • global flag -t does not overide -D anymore. #114
      • If the executable/symlink name is tsvtk the -t/--tabs option for tab input is set. Thanks @bsipos. #117
    • new command: csvtk csv2xlsx for converting CSV/TSV file(s) to a single .xlsx file.
    • new command: csvtk unfold for unfolding multiple values in cells of a field. #103
    • rename csvtk collapse to csvtk fold, for folding multiple values of a field into cells of groups.
    • csvtk cut: support range format 2- to choose 2nd column to the end. #106
    • csvtk round: fix bug of failing to round scientific notation with value small than one, e.g., 7.1E-1.
  • csvtk v0.21.0 Github Releases (by Release)
    • new command: csvtk nrow/ncol for printing number of rows or columns.
    • new command: round to round float to n decimal places. #112
    • csvtk headers: file name and column index is optional outputted with new flag -v/--verbose.
    • csvtk dim: new flags --tabluar, --cols, --rows, -n/--no-files.
    • csvtk dim/ncol/nrow: can handle empty files now. #108
    • csvtk csv2json #104:
      • new flag -b/--blank: do not convert "", "na", "n/a", "none", "null", "." to null
      • new flag -n/--parse-num: parse numeric values for nth column(s), multiple values are supported and "a"/"all" for all columns.
    • csvtk xlsx2csv: fix output for ragged table. #110
    • csvtk join: fix bug for joining >2 files.
    • csvtk uniq: new flag -n/--keep-n for keeping first N records of every key.
    • csvtk cut: support repeatedly selecting columns. #106
  • csvtk v0.20.0 Github Releases (by Release)
    • new command csvtk comb: compute combinations of items at every row.
    • new command csvtk sep: separate column into multiple columns. #96
    • csvtk:
      • list lines' number of illegal (-I) and empty (-E) rows. #97
      • new flag --infile-list for giving file of input files list (one file per line), if given, they are appended to files from cli arguments
    • csvtk join:
      • reenable flag -i/--ignore-case. #99
      • outer join is supported. #23
      • new flag -L/--left-join: left join, equals to -k/--keep-unmatched, exclusive with --outer-join
      • new flag -O/--outer-join: outer join, exclusive with --left-join
      • rename flag --fill to --na.
    • csvtk filter2: fix bug when column names start with digits, e.g., 1000g2015aug. Thank @VorontsovIE (#44)
    • csvtk concat: allow one input file. #98
    • csvtk mutate: new flag -R/--remove for removing input column.
  • csvtk v0.19.1 Github Releases (by Release)
    • csvtk:
      • fix checking file existence.
      • show friendly error message when giving empty field like csvtk cut -f a, b.
    • csvtk summary: fix err of q1 and q3. #90
    • csvtk version: making checking update optional.
  • csvtk v0.19.0 Github Releases (by Release)
    • new commands by @bsipos:
      • watch: online monitoring and histogram of selected field.
      • corr: calculate Pearson correlation between numeric columns.
      • cat: stream file and report progress.
    • csvtk split: fix bug of repeatedly output header line when number of output files exceed value of --buf-groups. #83
    • csvtk plot hist: new option --percentiles to add percentiles to histogram x label. #88
  • csvtk v0.18.2 Github Releases (by Release)
    • csvtk replace/rename2/splitxlsx: fix flag conflicts with global flag -I since v0.18.0.
    • csvtk replace/rename2: removing shorthand flag -I for --key-capt-idx.
    • csvtk splitxlsx: changing shorthand flag of --sheet-index from -I to -N.
  • csvtk v0.18.1 Github Releases (by Release)
    • csvtk sort: fix mutiple-key-sort containing natural order sorting. #79
    • csvtk xlsx2csv: reacts to global flags -t, -T, -D and -E. #78
  • csvtk v0.18.0 Github Releases (by Release)
    • csvtk: add new flag --ignore-illegal-row to skip illegal rows. #72
    • csvtk summary: add more textual/numeric operations. #64
    • csvtk sort: fix bug for sorting by columns with empty values. #70
    • csvtk grep: add new flag --delete-matched to delete a pattern right after being matched, this keeps the firstly matched data and speedups when using regular expressions. #77
  • csvtk v0.17.0 Github Releases (by Release)
    • new command: csvtk add-header and csvtk del-header for adding/deleting column names. #62
  • csvtk v0.16.0 Github Releases (by Release)
    • new command: csvtk csv2json: convert CSV to JSON format.
    • remove comand: csvtk stats2.
    • new command csvtk summary: summary statistics of selected digital fields (groupby group fields), usage and examples. #59
    • csvtk replace: add flag --nr-width: minimum width for {nr} in flag -r/--replacement. e.g., formating "1" to "001" by --nr-width 3 (default 1)
    • csvtk rename2/replace: add flag -A, --kv-file-all-left-columns-as-value, for treating all columns except 1th one as value for kv-file with more than 2 columns. #56
  • csvtk v0.15.0 Github Releases (by Release)
    • csvtk: add global flag -E/--ignore-empty-row to skip empty row. #50
    • csvtk mutate2: add flag -s/--digits-as-string for not converting big digits into scientific notation. #46
    • csvtk sort: add support for sorting in natural order. #49
  • csvtk v0.14.0 Github Releases (by Release)
    • csvtk: supporting multi-line fields by replacing multicorecsv with standard library encoding/csv, while losing support for metaline which was supported since v0.7.0. It also gain a little speedup.
    • csvtk sample: add flag -n/--line-number to print line number as the first column ("n")
    • csvtk filter2: fix bug when column names start with digits, e.g., 1000g2015aug (#44)
    • csvtk rename2: add support for similar repalecement symbols {kv} and {nr} in csvtk replace
  • csvtk v0.13.0 Github Releases (by Release)
    • new command concat for concatenating CSV/TSV files by rows #38
    • csvtk: add support for environment variables for frequently used global flags #39
      • CSVTK_T for flag -t/--tabs
      • CSVTK_H for flag -H/--no-header-row
    • mutate2: add support for eval expression WITHOUT column index symbol, so we can add some string constants #37
    • pretty: better support for files with duplicated column names
  • csvtk v0.12.0 Github Releases (by Release)
    • new command collapse: collapsing one field with selected fields as keys
    • freq: keeping orignal order of keys by default
    • split:
      • performance improvement
      • add option -G/--out-gzip for forcing output gzipped file
  • csvtk v0.11.0 Github Releases (by Release)
    • add command split to split CSV/TSV into multiple files according to column values
    • add command splitxlxs to split XLSX sheet into multiple sheets according to column values
    • csvtk, automatically check BOM (byte-order mark) and discard it
  • csvtk v0.10.0 Github Releases (by Release)
    • add subcommand xlsx2csv to convert XLSX to CSV format
    • grep, filter, filter2: add flag -n/--line-number to print line-number as the first column
    • cut: add flag -i/--ignore-case to ignore case of column name
  • csvtk v0.9.1 Github Releases (by Release)
    • csvtk replace: fix bug when replacing with key-value pairs brought in v0.8.0
  • csvtk v0.9.0 Github Releases (by Release)
    • add subcommand csvtk mutate2: create new column from selected fields by awk-like arithmetic/string expressions
    • add new command genautocomplete to generate shell autocompletion script!
  • csvtk v0.8.0 Github Releases (by Release)
    • new command csvtk gather for gathering columns into key-value pairs.
    • csvtk sort: support sorting by user-defined order.
    • fix bug of unselecting field: wrongly reporting error of fields not existing. affected commands: cut, filter, fitler2, freq, grep, inter, mutate, rename, rename2, replace, stats2, uniq.
    • update help message of flag -F/--fuzzy-fields.
    • update help message of global flag -t, which overrides both -d and -D. If you want other delimiter for tabular input, use -t $'\t' -D "delimiter".
  • csvtk v0.7.1 Github Releases (by Release)
    • csvtk plot box and csvtk plot line: fix bugs for special cases of input
    • compile with go1.8.1
  • csvtk v0.7.0 Github Releases (by Release)
    • fig bug of "stricter field checking" in v0.6.0 and v0.6.1 when using flag -F/--fuzzy-fields
    • csvtk pretty and csvtk csv2md: add attention that these commands treat the first row as header line and require them to be unique.
    • csvtk stat renamed to csvtk stats, old name is still available as an alias.
    • csvtk stat2 renamed to csvtk stats2, old name is still available as an alias.
    • issues/13 seamlessly support for data with meta line of separator declaration used by MS Excel.
  • csvtk v0.6.1 Github Releases (by Release)
    • csvtk cut: minor bug: panic when no fields given. i.e., csvtk cut. All relevant commands have been fixed.
  • csvtk v0.6.0 Github Releases (by Release)
    • csvtk grep: large performance improvement by discarding goroutine (multiple threads), and keeping output in order of input.
    • Better column name checking and stricter field checking, fields out of range are not ignored now. Affected commands include cut, filter, freq, grep, inter, mutate, rename, rename2, replace, stat2, and uniq.
    • New command: csvtk filter2, filtering rows by arithmetic/string expressions like awk.
  • csvtk v0.5.0 Github Releases (by Release)
    • csvtk cut: delete flag -n/--names, move it to a new command csvtk headers
    • new command: csvtk headers
    • new command: csvtk head
    • new command: csvtk sample
  • csvtk v0.4.6 Github Releases (by Release)
    • csvtk grep: fix result highlight when flag -v is on.
  • csvtk v0.4.5 Github Releases (by Release)
    • csvtk join: support the 2nd or later files with entries with same ID.
  • csvtk v0.4.4 Github Releases (by Release)
    • add command csvtk freq: frequencies of selected fields
    • add lots of examples in usage page
  • csvtk v0.4.3 Github Releases (by Release)
    • improvement of using experience: flag -n is not required anymore when flag -H in csvtk mutate
  • csvtk v0.4.2 Github Releases (by Release)
    • fix highlight bug of csvtk grep: if the pattern matches multiple parts, the text will be wrongly edited.
    • changes: disable highlight when pattern file given.
    • change the default output of all ploting commands to STDOUT, now you can pipe the image to "display" command of Imagemagic.
  • csvtk v0.4.1 Github Releases (by Release)
    • Nothing changed. Just fix the links due to inappropriate deployment of v0.4.0
  • csvtk v0.4.0 Github Releases (by Release)
    • add flag for csvtk replace: -K (--keep-key) keep the key as value when no value found for the key. This is open in default in previous versions.
  • csvtk v0.3.9 Github Releases (by Release)
    • fix bug: header row incomplete in csvtk sort result
  • csvtk v0.3.8.1 Github Releases (by Release)
    • fix bug of flag parsing library pflag, detail. The bug affected the csvtk grep -r -p, when value of -p contain "[" and "]" at the beginning or end, they are wrongly parsed.
  • csvtk v0.3.8 Github Releases (by Release)
    • new feature: csvtk cut supports ordered fields output. e.g., csvtk cut -f 2,1 outputs the 2nd column in front of 1th column.
    • new commands: csvtk plot can plot three types of plots by subcommands:
      • csvtk plot hist: histogram
      • csvtk plot box: boxplot
      • csvtk plot line: line plot and scatter plot
  • csvtk v0.3.7 Github Releases (by Release)
    • fix a serious bug of using negative field of column name, e.g. -f "-id"
  • csvtk v0.3.6 Github Releases (by Release)
    • csvtk replace support replacement symbols {nr} (record number) and {kv} (corresponding value of the key ($1) by key-value file)
  • csvtk v0.3.5.2 Github Releases (by Release)
    • add flag --fill for csvtk join, so we can fill the unmatched data
    • fix typo
  • csvtk v0.3.5.1 Github Releases (by Release)
    • fix minor bug of reading lines ending with \r\n from a dependency package
  • csvtk v0.3.5 Github Releases (by Release)
    • fix minor bug of csv2md
    • add subcommand version which could check for update
  • csvtk v0.3.4 Github Releases (by Release)
    • fix bug of csvtk replace that head row should not be edited.
  • csvtk v0.3.3 Github Releases (by Release)
    • fix bug of csvtk grep -t -P
  • csvtk v0.3.2 Github Releases (by Release)
    • fix bug of inter
  • csvtk v0.3.1 Github Releases (by Release)
    • add support of search multiple fields for grep
  • csvtk v0.3 Github Releases (by Release)
    • add subcommand csv2md
  • csvtk v0.2.9 Github Releases (by Release)
    • add more flags to subcommand pretty
    • fix bug of csvtk cut -n
    • add subcommand filter
  • csvtk v0.2.8 Github Releases (by Release)
    • add subcommand pretty -- convert CSV to readable aligned table
  • csvtk v0.2.7 Github Releases (by Release)
    • fix highlight failing in windows
  • csvtk v0.2.6 Github Releases (by Release)
    • fix one error message of grep
    • highlight matched fields in result of grep
  • csvtk v0.2.5 Github Releases (by Release)
    • fix bug of stat that failed to considerate files with header row
    • add subcommand stat2 - summary of selected number fields
    • make the output of stat prettier
  • csvtk v0.2.4 Github Releases (by Release)
    • fix bug of handling comment lines
    • add some notes before using csvtk
  • csvtk v0.2.3 Github Releases (by Release)
    • add flag --colnames to cut
    • flag -f (--fields) of join supports single value now
  • csvtk v0.2.2 Github Releases (by Release)
    • add flag --keep-unmathed to join
  • csvtk v0.2 Github Releases (by Release)
    • finish almost functions
  • csvtk v0.2.1 Github Releases (by Release)
    • fix bug of mutate