Atomic Butter Bison
[H-4] Incorrect deletion logic in auctionFactoryDebita::_deleteAuctionOrder
function leads to mapping corruption
Note, this issue is present in all the FACTORY contracts. DBOFactory::deleteBorrowOrder
, DLOFactory::deleteOrder
, auctionFactoryDebita::_deleteAuctionOrder
and buyOrderFactory::_deleteBuyOrder
The _deleteAuctionOrder
function in the auctionFactoryDebita
contract contains a bug that results in corruption of the AuctionOrderIndex
mapping when deleting the last element in the allActiveAuctionOrders
mapping. When deleting the last auction order from the allActiveAuctionOrders
mapping, the function incorrectly updates the AuctionOrderIndex
mapping by assigning a non-zero index to address(0)
. This corruption makes the state of the auctionFactoryDebita
unreliable and can lead to DoS, loss of funds, or unexpected behavior.
Step-by-Step Breakdown:
Retrieve the index of the auction order to delete
uint index = AuctionOrderIndex[_AuctionOrder];
Reset the auction order's index in the mapping
AuctionOrderIndex[_AuctionOrder] = 0;
Replace the auction order with the last element in the mapping
allActiveAuctionOrders[index] = allActiveAuctionOrders[activeOrdersCount - 1];
Remove the last element from the mapping
allActiveAuctionOrders[activeOrdersCount - 1] = address(0);
Update the index mapping for the moved auction order
AuctionOrderIndex[allActiveAuctionOrders[index]] = index;
Decrement the active orders count
The problem arises when the auction order to be deleted is the last element in the mapping.
The issue stems from how the _deleteAuctionOrder
function handles the deletion of auction orders, particularly when the auction order to be deleted is the last element in the allActiveAuctionOrders
mapping. The function performs a swap and mapping update even when it's unnecessary, causing the mapping to incorrectly associate address(0)
with an index.
Example scenario Initial state
activeOrdersCount = 5
allActiveAuctionOrders = [addr0, addr1, addr2, addr3, addr4]
AuctionOrderIndex[addr0] = 0
AuctionOrderIndex[addr1] = 1
AuctionOrderIndex[addr2] = 2
AuctionOrderIndex[addr3] = 3
AuctionOrderIndex[addr4] = 4
We attempt to delete the last auction order, addr4
Retrieve the index
index = AuctionOrderIndex[addr4]; // index = 4
Reset the auction order's index
AuctionOrderIndex[addr4] = 0;
Replace the auction order with the last element:
Since index = 4
and activeOrdersCount - 1 = 4
, the operation becomes:
allActiveAuctionOrders[4] = allActiveAuctionOrders[4]; // No change
Remove the last auction order
allActiveAuctionOrders[4] = address(0);
Update the index mapping
Now, allActiveAuctionOrders[index]
is allActiveAuctionOrders[4]
, which is address(0)
after the previous step. Therefore:
AuctionOrderIndex[allActiveAuctionOrders[4]] = index;
// This translates to:
AuctionOrderIndex[address(0)] = 4;
Decrement the active orders count
activeOrdersCount = 4;
This corrupts the AuctionOrderIndex
mapping by setting an index for address(0)
Furthermore, if a new auction is created, this new auction will point out to index 4 as well. The end state is that we will have two different addresses pointing to the same index in the AuctionOrderIndex
mapping, and the allActiveAuctionOrders
mapping for index 4 will return address(0) instead of the last auction that was created.
There are multiple issues that stem from this:
now has a value, which is incorrect. This can lead to unexpected behavior.- The data structures
become inconsistent, making the contract's state unreliable. - Functions that rely on
will retrieve incorrect addresses, leading to logic errors. - The next auction that gets created will point out to the same index that was assigned to
. This means that we will have two addresses pointing to the same index. In the case of my example, the index is 4. - The
contract will work with incorrect data coming from the factory contract.
Adjust the Auction.t.sol
file setup as follows
contract Auction is Test {
+ // Array to hold auction addresses for testing
+ address[] public auctionAddresses;
+ uint[] public veNFTIDs;
function setUp() public {
- deal(AERO, signer, 100e18, false);
- deal(AERO, buyer, 100e18, false);
+ deal(AERO, signer, 1000e18, false);
+ deal(AERO, buyer, 1000e18, false);
factory = new auctionFactoryDebita();
ABIERC721Contract = VotingEscrow(veAERO);
ERC20Mock(AERO).approve(address(ABIERC721Contract), 1000e18);
+ for (uint i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
uint id = ABIERC721Contract.createLock(100e18, 365 * 4 * 86400);
ABIERC721Contract.approve(address(factory), id);
address _auction = factory.createAuction(
+ auctionAddresses.push(_auction);
+ }
Now add the following test inside the test file
function testDeleteLastAuctionOrder() public {
// Assert initial state
uint activeOrdersCount = factory.activeOrdersCount();
assertEq(activeOrdersCount, 5, "Active orders count should be 5");
// Assert AuctionOrderIndex and allActiveAuctionOrders before deletion
for (uint i = 0; i < activeOrdersCount; i++) {
address auctionAddress = auctionAddresses[i];
uint index = factory.AuctionOrderIndex(auctionAddress);
assertEq(index, i, "AuctionOrderIndex should match index");
console.log("AuctionOrderIndex before deletion is: ", index);
address orderAtIndex = factory.allActiveAuctionOrders(i);
assertEq(orderAtIndex, auctionAddress, "Order at index mismatch");
console.log("allActiveAuctionOrders before deletion is: ", orderAtIndex);
// Delete the last auction order
address lastAuctionAddress = auctionAddresses[activeOrdersCount - 1];
DutchAuction_veNFT lastAuction = DutchAuction_veNFT(lastAuctionAddress);
// Assert state after deletion
uint newActiveOrdersCount = factory.activeOrdersCount();
assertEq(newActiveOrdersCount, 4, "Active orders count should be 4");
// Check AuctionOrderIndex and allActiveAuctionOrders after deletion
for (uint i = 0; i < newActiveOrdersCount; i++) {
address auctionAddress = auctionAddresses[i];
uint index = factory.AuctionOrderIndex(auctionAddress);
assertEq(index, i, "AuctionOrderIndex should match index");
console.log("AuctionOrderIndex after deletion is: ", index);
address orderAtIndex = factory.allActiveAuctionOrders(i);
assertEq(orderAtIndex, auctionAddress, "Order at index mismatch");
console.log("allActiveAuctionOrders after deletion is: ", orderAtIndex);
console.log("----------------- PROVE THE MISMATCH -------------------");
// Check that the last entry in allActiveAuctionOrders is zero address
address lastOrder = factory.allActiveAuctionOrders(newActiveOrdersCount);
assertEq(lastOrder, address(0), "Last order should be address(0) after deletion");
console.log("Proof that last auction order is set to address(0): ", lastOrder);
// Check AuctionOrderIndex for address(0)
uint zeroAddressIndex = factory.AuctionOrderIndex(address(0));
// This should be zero, but due to the bug, it will be 4
assertEq(zeroAddressIndex, 4, "AuctionOrderIndex[address(0)] should be 0");
console.log("Prove that address(0) now has the auction order at index", zeroAddressIndex);
console.log("----------------- MAPPING CORRUPTED -------------------");
// Create a new auction order
ERC20Mock(AERO).approve(address(ABIERC721Contract), 1000e18);
uint id = ABIERC721Contract.createLock(100e18, 365 * 4 * 86400);
ABIERC721Contract.approve(address(factory), id);
address newAuctionAddress = factory.createAuction(id, veAERO, AERO, 100e18, 10e18, 86400);
uint activeOrdersCountNew = factory.activeOrdersCount();
assertEq(activeOrdersCountNew, 5, "Active orders count should be 4");
for (uint i = 0; i < activeOrdersCountNew; i++) {
address auctionAddress = auctionAddresses[i];
uint index = factory.AuctionOrderIndex(auctionAddress);
assertEq(index, i, "AuctionOrderIndex should match index");
console.log("AuctionOrderIndex before deletion is: ", index);
address orderAtIndex = factory.allActiveAuctionOrders(i);
assertEq(orderAtIndex, auctionAddress, "Order at index mismatch");
console.log("allActiveAuctionOrders before deletion is: ", orderAtIndex);
address addrLastOrder = factory.allActiveAuctionOrders(activeOrdersCountNew);
address addrOfLastAuctionCreated = auctionAddresses[4];
"After the new auction is created, the last auction's address returned by the mappig is still ",
"and it should actually point to the address of the last auction order which is this",
uint zeroAddressIndexAfterNewAuction = factory.AuctionOrderIndex(address(0));
console.log("address(0) is now mapped to index", zeroAddressIndexAfterNewAuction);
uint auctionIndexOfNewAuctionAfterDeletion = factory.AuctionOrderIndex(addrOfLastAuctionCreated);
console.log("Last auction's address is also mapped to index", auctionIndexOfNewAuctionAfterDeletion);
forge test --mt testDeleteLastAuctionOrder --fork-url --fork-block-number 21151256 --no-match-path '**Fantom**' -vvv
Test output
Ran 1 test for test/fork/Auctions/Auction.t.sol:Auction
[PASS] testDeleteLastAuctionOrder() (gas: 1829812)
AuctionOrderIndex before deletion is: 0
allActiveAuctionOrders before deletion is: 0x104fBc016F4bb334D775a19E8A6510109AC63E00
AuctionOrderIndex before deletion is: 1
allActiveAuctionOrders before deletion is: 0x037eDa3aDB1198021A9b2e88C22B464fD38db3f3
AuctionOrderIndex before deletion is: 2
allActiveAuctionOrders before deletion is: 0xDDc10602782af652bB913f7bdE1fD82981Db7dd9
AuctionOrderIndex before deletion is: 3
allActiveAuctionOrders before deletion is: 0x7FdB3132Ff7D02d8B9e221c61cC895ce9a4bb773
AuctionOrderIndex before deletion is: 4
allActiveAuctionOrders before deletion is: 0xfD07C974e33dd1626640bA3a5acF0418FaacCA7a
AuctionOrderIndex after deletion is: 0
allActiveAuctionOrders after deletion is: 0x104fBc016F4bb334D775a19E8A6510109AC63E00
AuctionOrderIndex after deletion is: 1
allActiveAuctionOrders after deletion is: 0x037eDa3aDB1198021A9b2e88C22B464fD38db3f3
AuctionOrderIndex after deletion is: 2
allActiveAuctionOrders after deletion is: 0xDDc10602782af652bB913f7bdE1fD82981Db7dd9
AuctionOrderIndex after deletion is: 3
allActiveAuctionOrders after deletion is: 0x7FdB3132Ff7D02d8B9e221c61cC895ce9a4bb773
----------------- PROVE THE MISMATCH -------------------
Proof that last auction order is set to address(0): 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Prove that address(0) now has the auction order at index 4
----------------- MAPPING CORRUPTED -------------------
AuctionOrderIndex before deletion is: 0
allActiveAuctionOrders before deletion is: 0x104fBc016F4bb334D775a19E8A6510109AC63E00
AuctionOrderIndex before deletion is: 1
allActiveAuctionOrders before deletion is: 0x037eDa3aDB1198021A9b2e88C22B464fD38db3f3
AuctionOrderIndex before deletion is: 2
allActiveAuctionOrders before deletion is: 0xDDc10602782af652bB913f7bdE1fD82981Db7dd9
AuctionOrderIndex before deletion is: 3
allActiveAuctionOrders before deletion is: 0x7FdB3132Ff7D02d8B9e221c61cC895ce9a4bb773
AuctionOrderIndex before deletion is: 4
allActiveAuctionOrders before deletion is: 0xD76ffbd1eFF76C510C3a509fE22864688aC3A588
After the new auction is created, the last auction's address returned by the mappig is still 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 and it should actually point to the address of the last auction order which is this 0xD76ffbd1eFF76C510C3a509fE22864688aC3A588
address(0) is now mapped to index 4
Last auction's address is also mapped to index 4
Suite result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 12.45ms (2.19ms CPU time)
Ran 1 test suite in 198.71ms (12.45ms CPU time): 1 tests passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped (1 total tests)
The test clearly shows that the AuctionOrderIndex
mapping returns index 4 for both address(0)
and the new auction, and the allActiveAuctionOrders
mapping returns address(0)
for the last auction created instead of the actual auction address.
Modify the auctionFactoryDebita::_deleteAuctionOrder
function to correctly handle the deletion of the last element without corrupting the AuctionOrderIndex
mapping. The function should perform the swap and mapping update only if the element being deleted is not the last one.
Some idea of custom logic that can be added to the function to handle this edge case.
if (index == activeOrdersCount - 1) {
allActiveAuctionOrders[activeOrdersCount - 1] = address(0);