Update: Check out the new course on setting up a Rails local development environment with Docker using DevContainers
This is an old episode and source code. Instead, I suggest you check out the new way of working with Docker for Rails applications
Learn how to use docker / docker compose to create and run rails application.
- Mac OSX - 10.10.5
- Docker - 1.12.1
- Docker compose - 1.8.0
mkdir ~/projects/noteapp
cd ~/projects/noteapp
# Create Gemfile
# Create Dockerfile
# Create docker-compose.yml
docker-compose run app rails new . --force --database=mysql --skip-bundle
docker-compose build
docker-compose up
# http://localhost:3001
docker-compose run --rm app rails g scaffold note title body:text
docker-compose run --rm app rake db:migrate
# http://localhost:3001/notes