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1120 lines (715 loc) · 37.4 KB

File metadata and controls

1120 lines (715 loc) · 37.4 KB

1.7.1 2023-02-17


  • Warning from jruby about overwritten keyword (@flash-gordon + @klobuczek in #454)

Compare v1.7.0...v1.7.1

1.7.0 2022-11-04


  • This version is compatible with recently released dry-rb dependencies (@flash-gordon)
  • Updated to dry-core 1.0 (@flash-gordon + @solnic)
  • Dependency on dry-container was dropped (@flash-gordon)

Compare v1.6.1...v1.7.0

1.6.1 2022-10-15


  • Fix issues with internal const_missing and Inflector/Module constants (@flash-gordon + @solnic)

Compare v1.6.0...v1.6.1

1.6.0 2022-10-15


  • Optimize PredicateRegistry for Ruby 2.7+ (see #420 for more details) (@casperisfine)
  • Use zeitwerk for auto-loading (@flash-gordon)

Compare v1.5.1...v1.6.0

1.5.1 2021-02-16


  • Add missing requires for internal usage of Dry::Equalizer (@timriley in #418)

Compare v1.5.0...v1.5.1

1.5.0 2021-01-21


  • Wrapping constructor types 🎉 (@flash-gordon)

    Constructor blocks can have a second argument. The second argument is the underlying type itself:

    age_from_year = Dry::Types['coercible.integer'].constructor do |input, type| - type.(input)
    age_from_year.('2000') # => 21

    With wrapping constructors you have control over "type application". You can even run it more than once:

    inc = Dry::Types['integer'].constructor(&:succ)
    inc2x = inc.constructor { _2.(_2.(_2.(_1))) }
    inc2x.(10) # => 13
  • Fallbacks 🎉 (@flash-gordon)

    age = Dry::Types['coercible.ineger'].fallback(18)
    age.('10') # => 10
    age.('20') # => 20
    age.('abc') # => 18

    Fallbacks are different from default values: the later will be evaluated only when no input provided.

    Under the hood, .fallback creates a wrapping constructor.

  • params.string as an alias for strict.string. This addition should be non-breaking (@flash-gordon)

  • API for defining custom type builders similar to .default, .constructor, or .optional (@flash-gordon)

    # Making an alias for `.fallback`
    Dry::Types.define_builder(:or) { |type, v| type.fallback(v) }
    # Using new builder
    type = Dry::Types['integer'].or(-273)
    type.(:invalid) # => -273


  • Inferring predicates from class names is deprecated. It's very unlikely your code depends on it, however, if it does, you'll get an exception with instructions. (@flash-gordon)

    If you don't rely on inferring, just disable it with:

    Dry::Types::PredicateInferrer::Compiler.infer_predicate_by_class_name false

    Otherwise, enable it explicitly:

    Dry::Types::PredicateInferrer::Compiler.infer_predicate_by_class_name true

Compare v1.4.0...v1.5.0

1.4.0 2020-03-09


  • json.nil no longer coerces empty strings to nil. It was a long-standing bug that for some reason remained unnoticed for years. Technically, this may be a breaking change for JSON schemas described with dry-schema (@flash-gordon)

Compare v1.3.1...v1.4.0

1.3.1 2020-02-17


  • Predicate inferrer now returns hash? for hash schemas. Note, it doesn't spit more complex preds because we have different plans for dry-schema (@flash-gordon)

Compare v1.3.0...v1.3.1

1.3.0 2020-02-10


  • Schema#merge for merging two hash schemas (@waiting-for-dev)
  • Aliases for .constructor to non-constructor types. Now you can call .prepend/.append without silly checks for the type being a constructor (flash-gordon)
    (Dry::Types['integer'].prepend(-> { _1 + 1 })).(1) # => 2
    (Dry::Types['coercible.integer']  >> -> { _1 * 2 }).('99') # => 198
  • Hash::Schema#clear returns a schema with the same options but without keys
  • Optional namespace now includes strict types by default (@flash-gordon)


  • Schema::Key#optional returns an instance of Schema::Key as it should have done
  • Composition with function handling exceptions. This could occasionally lead to unexpected exceptions (@flash-gordon)

Compare v1.2.2...v1.3.0

1.2.2 2019-12-14


  • Types.Contructor doesn't re-wrap class instances implementing type interface, this fixes some quirks in dry-struct (@flash-gordon)


  • Types now use immutable equalizers. This should improve performance in certain cases e.g. in ROM (flash-gordon)
  • Attempting to use non-symbol keys in hash schemas raises an error. We always supported only symbols as keys but there was no check, now it'll throw an argument error. If you want to convert strings to symbols, use Hash#with_key_transform (flash-gordon)
  • Params and JSON types accept Time/Date/Datetime instances and boolean values. This can be useful in tests but we discourage you from relying on this behavior in production code. For example, building structs with Params types is considered a smell. There are dedicated tools for coercion, namely dry-schema and dry-validation. Be responsible user of dry-types! ❤ (flash-gordon)

Compare v1.2.1...v1.2.2

1.2.1 2019-11-07


  • Fix keyword warnings reported by Ruby 2.7 (flash-gordon)
  • Error type in failing case in Array::Member (esparta)

Compare v1.2.0...v1.2.1

1.2.0 2019-10-06


  • Optional::Params types that coerce empty strings to nil (flash-gordon)

    Dry::Types['optional.params.integer'].('') # => nil
    Dry::Types['optional.params.integer'].('140') # => 140
    Dry::Types['optional.params.integer'].('asd') # => exception!

    Keep in mind, Dry::Types['optional.params.integer'] and Dry::Types['params.integer'].optional are not the same, the latter doesn't handle empty strings.

  • Predicate inferrer was ported from dry-schema (authored by solnic)

    require 'dry/types/predicate_inferrer'[Types::String]
    # => [:str?][Types::String | Types::Integer]
    # => [[[:str?], [:int?]]]

    Note that the API of the predicate inferrer can change in the stable version, it's dictated by the needs of dry-schema so it should be considered as semi-stable. If you depend on it, write specs covering the desired behavior. Another option is copy-and-paste the whole thing to your project.

  • Primitive inferrer was ported from dry-schema (authored by solnic)

    require 'dry/types/primitive_inferrer'[Types::String]
    # => [String][Types::String | Types::Integer]
    # => [String, Integer][Types::String.optional]
    # => [NilClass, String]

    The primitive inferrer should be stable by now, you can rely on it.

  • The monads extension adds Dry::Types::Result#to_monad. This makes it compatible with do notation from dry-monads. Load it with Dry::Types.load_extensions(:monads) (skryukov)

    Types = Dry.Types
    class AddTen
      include Dry::Monads[:result, :do]
      def call(input)
        integer = yield Types::Coercible::Integer.try(input)
        Success(integer + 10)


  • Bug with using a Bool-named struct as a schema key (flash-gordon)
  • A bunch of issues related to using meta on complex types (flash-gordon)
  • Types.Constructor(...) returns a Types::Array as it should (flash-gordon)


  • Dry::Types.[] used to work with classes, now it's deprecated (flash-gordon)

Compare v1.1.1...v1.2.0

1.1.1 2019-07-26


  • A bug where meta was lost for lax array types (flash-gordon)

Compare v1.1.0...v1.1.1

1.1.0 2019-07-02


  • New builder method Interface constructs a type which accepts objects that respond to the given methods (waiting-for-dev)
    Types = Dry.Types()
    Types::Callable = Types.Interface(:call)
    Types::Callable.valid?( # => false
    Types::Callable.valid?(proc {})    # => true
  • New types: coercible.symbol, params.symbol, and json.symbol, all use .to_sym for coercion (waiting-for-dev)


  • Converting schema keys to maybe types (flash-gordon)
  • Using Schema#key and Array#member on constuctors (flash-gordon)
  • Using meta(omittable: true) within transform_types works again but produces a warning, please migrate to .omittable or .required(false) (flash-gordon)
  • Bug with a constructror defined on top of enum (flash-gordon)

Compare v1.0.1...v1.1.0

1.0.1 2019-06-04


  • In a case of failure the constructor block can now pass a different value (flash-gordon)
    not_empty_string = Types::String.constructor do |value, &failure|
      value.strip.empty? ? failure.(nil) : value.strip
    not_empty_string.('   ') { |v| v } # => nil
    not_empty_string.lax.('     ')     # => nil
    not_empty_string.lax.(' foo  ')    # => "foo"
  • Schema#strict now accepts an boolean argument. If fales is passed this will turn a strict schema into a non-strict one (flash-gordon)

Compare v1.0.0...v1.0.1

1.0.0 2019-04-23


  • API for custom constructor types was enhanced. If you pass your own callable to .constructor it can have a block in its signature. If a block is passed, you must call it on failed coercion, otherwise raise a type coercion error (flash-gordon) Example:
    proc do |input, &block|
      if input.is_a? String
        Integer(input, 10)
    rescue ArgumentError, TypeError => error
      if block
          backtrace: error.backtrace
    This makes the exception handling your job so that dry-types won't have to catch and re-wrap all possible errors (this is not safe, generally speaking).
  • Types now can be converted to procs thus you can pass them as blocks (flash-gordon)
    %w(1 2 3).map(&Types::Coercible::Integer)
    # => [1, 2, 3]


  • [BREAKING] Behavior of built-in constructor types was changed to be more strict. They will always raise an error on failed coercion (flash-gordon) Compare:

    # 0.15.0
    # => "foo"
    # 1.0.0
    # => Dry::Types::CoercionError: invalid value for Integer(): "foo"

    To handle coercion errors Type#call now yields a block:

    Types::Params::Integer.('foo') { :invalid } # => :invalid

    This makes work with coercions more straightforward and way faster.

  • [BREAKING] Safe types were renamed to Lax, this name better serves their purpose. The previous name is available but prints a warning (flash-gordon)

  • [BREAKING] Metadata is now pushed down to the decorated type. It is not likely you will notice a difference but this a breaking change that enables some use cases in rom related to the usage of default types in relations (flash-gordon)

  • Nominal types are now completely unconstrained. This fixes some inconsistencies when using them with constraints. Nominal#try will always return a successful result, for the previous behavior use Nominal#try_coerce or switch to strict types with passing a block to #call (flash-gordon)

  • Performance improvements

  • During the work on this release, a lot of performance improvements were made. dry-types 1.0 combined with dry-logic 1.0 are multiple times faster than dry-types 0.15 and dry-logic 0.5 for common cases including constraints checking and coercion (flash-gordon)

Compare v0.15.0...v1.0.0

0.15.0 2019-03-22


  • Improved string representation of types (flash-gordon)

    # => #<Dry::Types[Nominal<Integer>]>
    # => #<Dry::Types[Constructor<Nominal<Integer> fn=Dry::Types::Coercions::Params.to_int>]>
    Dry::Types['hash'].schema(age?: 'integer')
    # => #<Dry::Types[Constrained<Schema<keys={age?: Constrained<Nominal<Integer> rule=[type?(Integer)]>}> rule=[type?(Hash)]>]>
    # => #<Dry::Types[Constrained<Array<Constrained<Nominal<Integer> rule=[type?(Integer)]>> rule=[type?(Array)]>]>
  • Options for the list of types you want to import with Dry.Types (flash-gordon) Cherry-pick only certain types:

    module Types
      include Dry.Types(:strict, :nominal, :coercible)
    # => [:Strict, :Nominal, :Coercible]

    Change default top-level types:

    module Types
      include Dry.Types(default: :coercible)
    # => #<Dry::Types[Constructor<Nominal<Integer> fn=Kernel.Integer>]>

    Rename type namespaces:

    module Types
      include Dry.Types(strict: :Strong, coercible: :Kernel)
  • Optional keys for schemas can be provided with ?-ending symbols (flash-gordon)

    Dry::Types['hash'].schema(name: 'string', age?: 'integer')
  • Another way of making keys optional is setting required: false to meta. In fact, it is the preferable way if you have to store this information in meta, otherwise use the Key's API (see below) (flash-gordon)

      name: Dry::Types['string'],
      age: Dry::Types['integer'].meta(required: false)
  • Key types have API for making keys omittable and back (flash-gordon)

    # defining a base schema with optional keys
    lax_hash = Dry::Types['hash'].with_type_transform { |key| key.required(false) }
    # same as
    lax_hash = Dry::Types['hash'].with_type_transform(&:omittable)
    # keys in user_schema are not required
    user_schema = lax_hash.schema(name: 'string', age: 'integer')
  • Type#optional? now recognizes more cases where nil is an allowed value (flash-gordon)

  • Constructor#{prepend,append} with << and >> as aliases. Constructor#append works the same way Constructor#constrcutor does. Constuctor#prepend chains functions in the reverse order, see examples (flash-gordon)

    to_int = Types::Coercible::Integer
    inc = to_int.append { |x| x + 2 }
    inc.("1") # => "1" -> 1 -> 3
    inc = to_int.prepend { |x| x + "2" }
    inc.("1") # => "1" -> "12" -> 12
  • Partial schema application for cases when you want to validate only a subset of keys (flash-gordon) This is useful when you want to update a key or two in an already-validated hash. A perfect example is Dry::Struct#new where this feature is now used.

    schema = Dry::Types['hash'].schema(name: 'string', age: 'integer')
    value = schema.(name: 'John', age: 20)
    update = schema.apply({ age: 21 }, skip_missing: true)


  • Hash::Map now behaves as a constrained type if its values are constrained (flash-gordon)
  • coercible.integer now doesn't blow up on invalid strings (exterm)


  • [BREAKING] Internal representation of hash schemas was changed to be a simple list of key types (flash-gordon) Dry::Types::Hash#with_type_transform now yields a key type instead of type + name:
    Dry::Types['strict.hash'].with_type_transform { |key| == :age ? key.required(false) : key }
  • [BREAKING] Definition types were renamed to nominal (flash-gordon)
  • [BREAKING] Top-level types returned by Dry::Types.[] are now strict (flash-gordon)
    # before
    # => #<Dry::Types[Nominal<Integer>]>
    # now
    # => <Dry::Types[Constrained<Nominal<Integer> rule=[type?(Integer)]>]>
    # you can still access nominal types using namespace
    # => #<Dry::Types[Nominal<Integer>]>
  • [BREAKING] Default values are not evaluated if the decorated type returns nil. They are triggered on Undefined instead (GustavoCaso + flash-gordon)
  • [BREAKING] Support for old hash schemas was fully removed. This makes dry-types not compatible with dry-validation < 1.0 (flash-gordon)
  • Dry::Types.module is deprecated in favor of Dry.Types (flash-gordon) Keep in mind Dry.Types uses strict types for top-level names, that is after
    module Types
      include Dry.Types
    Types::Integer is a strict type. If you want it to be nominal, use include Dry.Types(default: :nominal). See other options below.
  • params.integer now always converts strings to decimal numbers, this means 09 will be coerced to 9 (threw an error before) (skryukov)
  • Ruby 2.3 is EOL and not officially supported. It may work but we don't test it.

Compare v0.14.1...v0.15.0

0.14.1 2019-03-25


  • coercible.integer now doesn't blow up on invalid strings (exterm)

Compare v0.14.0...v0.14.1

0.14.0 2019-01-29


  • valid? works correctly with constructors now (cgeorgii)


  • [BREAKING] Support for Ruby 2.2 was dropped. It reached EOL on March 31, 2018.
  • dry-logic was updated to ~> 0.5 (solnic)

Compare v0.13.4...v0.14.0

0.13.4 2018-12-21


Compare v0.13.3...v0.13.4

0.13.3 2018-11-25


  • Dry::Types::Hash#try returns Failure instead of throwing an exception on missing keys (GustavoCaso)

Compare v0.13.2...v0.13.3

0.13.2 2018-05-30


  • Defaults#valid? now works fine when passing Dry::Core::Constans::Undefined as value (GustavoCaso)
  • valid? for constructor types wrapping Sums (GustavoCaso)

Compare v0.13.1...v0.13.2

0.13.1 2018-05-28


  • was added to make the upgrade process in dry-validation smoother (available after you require 'dry/types/compat/int') (flash-gordon)


  • Defaults now works fine with meta (GustavoCaso)
  • Defaults are now re-decorated properly (flash-gordon)

Compare v0.13.0...v0.13.1

0.13.0 2018-05-03


  • Hash schemas were rewritten. The old API is still around but is going to be deprecated and removed before 1.0. The new API is simpler and more flexible. Instead of having a bunch of predefined schemas you can build your own by combining the following methods:

    1. Schema#with_key_transform—transforms keys of input hashes, for things like symbolizing etc.
    2. Schema#strict—makes a schema intolerant to unknown keys.
    3. Hash#with_type_transform—transforms member types with an arbitrary block. For instance,
    optional_keys = Types::Hash.with_type_transform { |t, _key| t.optional }
    schema = optional_keys.schema(name: 'strict.string', age: '')
    schema.(name: "Jane", age: nil) # => {name: "Jane", age: nil}

    Note that by default all keys are required, if a key is expected to be absent, add to the corresponding type's meta omittable: true:

    intolerant = Types::Hash.schema(name: Types::Strict::String)
    intolerant[{}] # => Dry::Types::MissingKeyError
    tolerant = Types::Hash.schema(name: Types::Strict::String.meta(omittable: true))
    tolerant[{}] # => {}
    tolerant_with_default = Types::Hash.schema(name: Types::Strict::String.meta(omittable: true).default("John"))
    tolerant[{}] # => {name: "John"}

    The new API is composable in a natural way:

    TOLERANT = Types::Hash.with_type_transform { |t| t.meta(omittable: true) }.freeze
    user = TOLERANT.schema(name: 'strict.string', age: '')
    user.(name: "Jane") # => {name: "Jane"}
    TOLERANT_SYMBOLIZED = TOLERANT.with_key_transform(&:to_sym)
    user_sym = TOLERANT_SYMBOLIZED.schema(name: 'strict.string', age: '')
    user_sym.("name" => "Jane") # => {name: "Jane"}


  • Types.Strict is an alias for Types.Instance (flash-gordon)

    strict_range = Types.Strict(Range)
    strict_range == Types.Instance(Range) # => true
  • Enum#include? is an alias to Enum#valid? (d-Pixie + flash-gordon)

  • Range was added (GustavoCaso)

  • Array types filter out Undefined values, if you have an array type with a constructor type as its member, the constructor now can return Dry::Types::Undefined to indicate empty value:

    filter_empty_strings = Types::Strict::Array.of(
      Types::Strict::String.constructor { |input|
        input.to_s.yield_self { |s| s.empty? ? Dry::Types::Undefined : s }
    filter_empty_strings.(["John", nil, "", "Jane"]) # => ["John", "Jane"]
  • Types::Map was added for homogeneous hashes, when only types of keys and values are known in advance, not specific key names (fledman + flash-gordon)

      int_to_string ='strict.integer', 'strict.string')
      int_to_string[0 => 'foo'] # => { 0 => "foo" }
      int_to_string[0 => 1] # Dry::Types::MapError: input value 1 for key 0 is invalid: type?(String, 1)
  • Enum supports mappings (bolshakov + flash-gordon)

    dict = Types::Strict::String.enum('draft' => 0, 'published' => 10, 'archived' => 20)
    dict['published'] # => 'published'
    dict[10] # => 'published'


  • Fixed applying constraints to optional type, i.e. .optional.constrained works correctly (flash-gordon)
  • Fixed enum working with optionals (flash-gordon)
  • Internal

  • Dropped the dry-configurable dependency (GustavoCaso)
  • The gem now uses dry-inflector for inflections instead of inflecto (GustavoCaso)


  • [BREAKING] Renamed Types::Form to Types::Params. You can opt-in the former name with require 'dry/types/compat/form_types'. It will be dropped in the next release (ndrluis)
  • [BREAKING] The Int types was renamed to Integer, this was the only type named differently from the standard Ruby classes so it has been made consistent. The former name is available with require 'dry/types/compat/int' (GustavoCaso + flash-gordon)
  • [BREAKING] Default types are not evaluated on nil. Default values are evaluated only if no value were given.
      type = Types::Strict::String.default("hello")
      type[nil] # => constraint error
      type[] # => "hello"
    This change allowed to greatly simplify hash schemas, make them a lot more flexible yet predictable (see below).
  • [BREAKING] Dry::Types.register_class was removed, Dry::Types.register was made private API, do not register your types in the global dry-types container, use a module instead, e.g. Types (flash-gordon)
  • [BREAKING] Enum types don't accept value index anymore. Instead, explicit mapping is supported, see below (flash-gordon)

Compare v0.12.2...v0.13.0

0.12.2 2017-11-04


  • The type compiler was fixed for simple rules such as used for strict type checks (flash-gordon)
  • Fixed an error on Dry::Types['json.decimal'].try(nil) (nesaulov)
  • Fixed an error on calling try on an array type built of constrained types (flash-gordon)
  • Implemented === for enum types (GustavoCaso)

Compare v0.12.1...v0.12.2

0.12.1 2017-10-11


  • Constructor#try rescues ArgumentError (raised in cases like Integer('foo')) (flash-gordon)
  • #constructor works correctly for default and enum types (solnic)
  • Optional sum types work correctly in safe mode (GustavoCaso)
  • The equalizer of constrained types respects meta (flash-gordon)

Compare v0.12.0...v0.12.1

0.12.0 2017-09-15


  • A bunch of shortcut methods for constructing types to the autogenerated module, e.g. Types.Constructor(String, &:to_s) (flash-gordon)
  • Deprecated

  • Types::Array#member was deprecated in favor of Types::Array#of (flash-gordon)

Compare v0.11.1...v0.12.0

0.11.1 2017-08-14


  • Fixed Constructor#name with Sum-types (flash-gordon)


  • Constructors are now equalized using fn and meta too (flash-gordon)

Compare v0.11.0...v0.11.1

0.11.0 2017-06-30


  • #to_ast available for all type objects (GustavoCaso)
  • Types::Array#of as an alias for #member (maliqq)
  • Detailed failure objects are passed to results which improves constraint violation messages (GustavoCaso)

Compare v0.10.3...v0.11.0

0.10.3 2017-05-06


  • Callable defaults accept the underlying type (v-kolesnikov)

Compare v0.10.2...v0.10.3

0.10.2 2017-04-28


  • Fixed Type#optional? for sum types (flash-gordon)

Compare v0.10.1...v0.10.2

0.10.1 2017-04-28


  • Type#optional? returns true if type is Sum and left is nil (GustavoCaso)
  • Type#pristine returns a type without meta (flash-gordon)


  • meta is used in type equality again (solnic)
  • Any works correctly with meta again (flash-gordon)

Compare v0.10.0...v0.10.1

0.10.0 2017-04-26


  • Types can be used in case statements now (GustavoCaso)


  • Return original value when Date.parse raises a RangeError (jviney)


  • Meta data are now stored separately from options (flash-gordon)
  • Types::Object was renamed to Types::Any (flash-gordon)

Compare v0.9.4...v0.10.0

0.9.4 2017-01-24


  • Added Types::Object which passes an object of any type (flash-gordon)

Compare v0.9.3...v0.9.4

0.9.3 2016-12-03


  • Updated to dry-core >= 0.2.1 (ruby warnings are gone) (flash-gordon)

Compare v0.9.2...v0.9.3

0.9.2 2016-11-13


  • Support for "Y" and "N" as true and false values, respectively (scare21410)


  • Optimized object allocation in hash schemas, resulting in up to 25% speed boost (davydovanton)

Compare v0.9.1...v0.9.2

0.9.1 2016-11-04


  • Hash#strict_with_defaults properly evaluates callable defaults (bolshakov)


  • Hash#weak accepts Hash-descendants again (solnic)

Compare v0.9.0...v0.9.1

0.9.0 2016-09-21


  • Hash#strict_with_defaults which validates presence of all required keys and respects default types for missing values (backus)
  • Type#constrained? method (flash-gordon)


  • Summing two constrained types works correctly (flash-gordon)
  • Types::Array::Member#valid? in cases where member type is a constraint (solnic)
  • Hash::Schema#try handles exceptions properly and returns a failure object (solnic)


  • [BREAKING] Renamed Hash##{schema=>permissive} (backus)
  • [BREAKING] dry-monads dependency was made optional, Maybe types are available after Dry::Types.load_extensions(:maybe) (flash-gordon)
  • [BREAKING] Dry::Types::Struct and Dry::Types::Value have been extracted to dry-struct (backus)
  • Types::Form::Bool supports upcased true/false values (kirs)
  • Types::Form::{Date,DateTime,Time} fail gracefully for invalid input (padde)
  • ice_nine dependency has been dropped as it was required by Struct only (flash-gordon)

Compare v0.8.1...v0.9.0

0.8.1 2016-07-13


  • Compiler no longer chokes on type nodes without args (solnic)
  • Removed bin/console from gem package (solnic)

Compare v0.8.0...v0.8.1

0.8.0 2016-07-01


  • Struct now implements Type interface so ie SomeStruct | String works now (flash-gordon)
  • :weak Hash constructor which can partially coerce a hash even when it includes invalid values (solnic)
  • Types include Dry::Equalizer now (flash-gordon)


  • Struct#to_hash descends into arrays too (nepalez)
  • Default#with works now (flash-gordon)


  • :symbolized hash schema is now based on :weak schema (solnic)
  • Struct::Value instances are now deeply frozen via ice_nine (backus)

Compare v0.7.2...v0.8.0

0.7.2 2016-05-11


  • Bool#default gladly accepts false as its value (solnic)
  • Creating an empty schema with input processor no longer fails (lasseebert)


  • Allow multiple calls to meta (solnic)
  • Allow capitalised versions of true and false values for boolean coercions (nil0bject)
  • Replace kleisli with dry-monads (flash-gordon)
  • Use coercions from Kernel (flash-gordon)
  • Decimal coercions now work with Float (flash-gordon)
  • Coerce empty strings in form posts to blank arrays and hashes (timriley)
  • update to use dry-logic v0.2.3 (fran-worley)

Compare v0.7.1...v0.7.2

0.7.1 2016-04-06


  • JSON::* types with JSON-specific coercions (coop)


  • Schema is properly inherited in Struct (backus)
  • constructor_type is properly inherited in Struct (fbernier)

Compare v0.7.0...v0.7.1

0.7.0 2016-03-30

Major focus of this release is to make complex type composition possible and improving constraint errors to be more meaningful.


  • Type#try interface that tries to process the input and return a result object which can be either a success or failure (solnic)
  • #meta interface for setting arbitrary meta data on types (solnic)
  • ConstraintError has a message which includes information about the predicate which failed ie nil violates constraints (type?(String) failed) (solnic)
  • Struct uses Dry::Equalizer too, just like Value (AMHOL)
  • Sum::Constrained which has a disjunction rule built from its types (solnic)
  • Compiler supports [:constructor, [primitive, fn_proc]] nodes (solnic)
  • Compiler supports building schema-less form.hash types (solnic)


  • Sum now supports complex types like Array or Hash with member types and/or constraints (solnic)
  • Default#constrained will properly wrap a new constrained type (solnic)


  • [BREAKING] Renamed Type#{optional=>maybe} (AMHOL)
  • [BREAKING] Type#optional(other) builds a sum: Strict::Nil | other (AMHOL)
  • [BREAKING] Type objects are now frozen (solnic)
  • [BREAKING] Value instances are frozen (AMHOL)
  • Array is no longer a constructor and has a Array::Member subclass (solnic)
  • Hash is no longer a constructor and is split into Hash::Safe, Hash::Strict and Hash::Symbolized (solnic)
  • Constrained has now a Constrained::Coercible subclass which will try to apply its type prior applying its rule (solnic)
  • #maybe uses Strict::Nil now (solnic)
  • Type#default will raise if nil was passed for Maybe type (solnic)
  • Hash with a schema will set maybe values for missing keys or nils (flash-gordon)

Compare v0.6.0...v0.7.0

0.6.0 2016-03-16

Renamed from dry-data to dry-types and:


  • Dry::Types.module which returns a namespace for inclusion which has all built-in types defined as constants (solnic)
  • Hash#schema supports default values now (solnic)
  • Hash#symbolized passes through keys that are already symbols (solnic)
  • uses an empty hash by default as input (solnic)
  • Struct.constructor_type macro can be used to change attributes constructor (solnic)
  • default accepts a block now for dynamic values (solnic)
  • Types.register_class accepts a second arg which is the name of the class' constructor method, defaults to :new (solnic)


  • Struct will simply pass-through the input if it is already a struct (solnic)
  • default will raise if a value violates constraints (solnic)
  • Evaluating a default value tries to use type's constructor which makes it work with types that may coerce an input into nil (solnic)
  • enum works just fine with integer-values (solnic)
  • enum + default works just fine (solnic)
  • Optional no longer responds to primitive as it makes no sense since there's no single primitive for an optional value (solnic)
  • Optional passes-through a value which is already a maybe (solnic)


  • Dry::Types::Definition is now the base type definition object (solnic)
  • Dry::Types::Constructor is now a type definition with a constructor function (solnic)

Compare v0.5.1...v0.6.0

0.5.1 2016-01-11


  • Dry::Data::Type#safe for types which can skip constructor when primitive does not match input's class (solnic)
  • form.array and form.hash safe types (solnic)

Compare v0.5.0...v0.5.1

0.5.0 2016-01-11


  • Type#default interface for defining a type with a default value (solnic)


  • attribute raises proper error when type definition is missing (solnic)


  • [BREAKING] accepts constructor and options now (solnic)
  • Renamed Dry::Data::Type::{Enum,Constrained} => Dry::Data::{Enum,Constrained} (solnic)
  • dry-logic is now a dependency for constrained types (solnic)
  • Constrained types are now always available (solnic)
  • strict.* category uses constrained types with :type? predicate (solnic)
  • SumType#call no longer needs to rescue from TypeError (solnic)

Compare v0.4.2...v0.5.0

0.4.2 2015-12-27


  • Support for arrays in type compiler (solnic)


  • Array member uses type objects now rather than just their constructors (solnic)

Compare v0.4.0...v0.4.2

0.4.0 2015-12-11


  • Support for sum-types with constraint type (solnic)
  • Dry::Data::Type#optional for defining optional types (solnic)


  • Dry::Data['optional'] was removed in favor of Dry::Data::Type#optional (solnic)

Compare v0.3.2...v0.4.0

0.3.2 2015-12-10


  • Dry::Data::Value which works like a struct but is a value object with equalizer (solnic)


  • Added missing require for dry-equalizer (solnic)

Compare v0.3.1...v0.3.2

0.3.1 2015-12-09


  • Removed require of constrained type and make it optional (solnic)

Compare v0.3.0...v0.3.1

0.3.0 2015-12-09


  • Type#constrained interface for defining constrained types (solnic)
  • Dry::Data can be configured with a type namespace (solnic)
  • Dry::Data.finalize can be used to define types as constants under configured namespace (solnic)
  • Dry::Data::Type#enum for defining an enum from a specific type (solnic)
  • New types: symbol and class along with their strict versions (solnic)

Compare v0.2.1...v0.3.0

0.2.1 2015-11-30


  • Type compiler supports nested hashes now (solnic)


  • form.bool sum is using correct right-side form.false type (solnic)


  • Improved structure of the ast (solnic)

Compare v0.2.0...v0.2.1

0.2.0 2015-11-29


  • form.nil which coerces empty strings to nil (solnic)
  • bool sum-type (true | false) (solnic)
  • Type compiler supports sum-types now (solnic)


  • Constructing optional types uses the new Dry::Data["optional"] built-in type (solnic)

Compare v0.1.0...v0.2.0

0.1.0 2015-11-27


  • form.* coercible types (solnic)
  • Type::Hash#strict for defining hashes with a strict schema (solnic)
  • Type::Hash#symbolized for defining hashes that will symbolize keys (solnic)
  • Dry::Data.register_class short-cut interface for registering a class and setting its .new method as the constructor (solnic)
  • Dry::Data::Compiler for building a type from a simple ast (solnic)

Compare v0.0.1...v0.1.0

0.0.1 2015-10-05

First public release