The Cluster CAPI Operator manages the installation and lifecycle of the Cluster API Components on Openshift clusters.
Note: This operator only runs on TechPreview clusters.
- CoreProvider - an object that represents core Cluster API and is later reconciled by the upstream operator.
- InfrastructureProvider - an object that represents Cluster API infrastructure provider(AWS, GCP, Azure, etc.) and is later reconciled by the upstream operator.
- Cluster - CAPI Cluster CR that represents current cluster, it is treated as management and workload cluster at the same time.
- InfrastructureCluster - CAPI Infrastructure Cluster CR that represents the infrastructure cluster.
- Worker userdata secret - a secret that ignition configuration to be used by the worker nodes.
- Kubeconfig secret - a secret that contains kubeconfig for the cluster.
Controllers design can be found here:
Steps for infrastructure provider onboarding are documented here.
Downscale cluster version operator deployment;
kubectl scale deployment cluster-version-operator -nopenshift-cluster-version --replicas=0
Downscale cluster CAPI operator deployment:
kubectl scale deployment cluster-capi-operator -nopenshift-cluster-api --replicas=0
Compile and run operator:
make build && ./bin/cluster-capi-operator
make test
kubectl edit featuregate
Set the spec to the following
featureSet: TechPreviewNoUpgrade