A collection of jsr-303 validators I used
Integration with Apache commons JEXL
value = "this.age >= 18 || (this.age < 18 && not empty(this.parent))",
propertyNode = "age")
public class MyBean {
private int age;
private String parent;
@AssertThat("this != null && this.isAfter(forName('java.time.LocalDate').now().plusDays(7))")
private LocalDate expire;
// ...
- Represent the Object where @AssertThat located.
@AssertThat("this != null") // 'this' referring to expire field
private LocalDate expire;
@AssertThat("this != null") // 'this' referring to SomeObject
public class SomeObject {
- Indicate the namespace referring to a class.
value = "math:abs(this) > 10",
namespaces = {
@Namespace(prefix = "math", clazz = Math.class)
private int index;
- Indecate a property node the ConstraintViolation will be associated to.
value = "this.age >= 18 || (this.age < 18 && not empty(this.parent))",
propertyNode = "age")
public class MyBean {
private int age;
private String parent;
ConstraintViolationImpl {
Supports Spring Expression Language as well
engine = AssertThat.Engine.SpEL, // JEXL is the defualt EL engine
value =
"#{this.age >= 18 || (this.age < 18 && !T(org.springframework.util.StringUtils).isEmpty(this.parent))}",
propertyNode = "age"
public class MyBean {
private int age;
private String parent;
public enum Grade {
A, B, C, D, E, F, ;
@Constraint(validatedBy = {})
"this != null && " +
"forName('java.util.Arrays').asList(" +
"forName('com.github.shihyuho.jsr303.constraints.Grade').valueOf('A'), " +
"forName('com.github.shihyuho.jsr303.constraints.Grade').valueOf('B')" +
public @interface GradeAboveB {
String message() default "{com.github.shihyuho.jsr303.constraints.GradeAboveB.message}";
Class<?>[] groups() default {};
Class<? extends Payload>[] payload() default {};
public class PassExams {
private Student student;
private Exam exam;
@GradeAboveB private Grade grade;