nllb-200 wrapper with javascript.
Currently supported on windows only.
import * as nllb from "nllb-200-js";
(async function () {
const text =
"Lockheed Martin Delivers Initial 5G Testbed To U.S. Marine Corps And Begins Mobile Network Experimentation";
const source = "eng_Latn";
const targets = ["zho_Hans", "kor_Hang", "jpn_Jpan"];
const model = nllb.MODELS[0];
// 0: 'facebook/nllb-200-distilled-600M' <= default
// 1: 'facebook/nllb-200-distilled-1.3B'
// 2: 'facebook/nllb-200-1.3B'
// 3: 'facebook/nllb-200-3.3B'
// 4: 'facebook/nllb-moe-54b'
// Create virtual environment
// At first, initialize take a long time for download requirements.
// The device must be installed Python3
await nllb.init();
for (const target of targets) {
// At first translate, initialize take a long time for download nllb model.
// it requires at least 8 GB of available storage during initialization.
const result = await nllb.translate(text, source, target, model);
console.log(`${target}: ${result}`);
// zho_Hans: 洛克希德马丁向美国海军陆战队提供了初步5G测试台,开始移动网络实验
// kor_Hang: 로크히드 마틴은 미국 해병대에 첫 번째 5G 테스트 베드를 공급하고 모바일 네트워크 실험을 시작했습니다
// jpn_Jpan: ロックヒッド・マーティンが5Gテストベッドをアメリカ海兵隊に提供し,モバイルネットワーク実験を開始