SHQ16-1395 remove references to carrier group factory
SHQ16-1543 belts and braces check on quote item before accessing
SHQ16-1582 display pickup location and time slot in order view SHQ16-1682 Changed version to placeholder
SHQ16-745 eCommerce cart in request corrected
SHQ16-1619 Config flag to ignore requests if zip code blank
SHQ16-1731 corrected function name SHQ16-1730 resolved package helper constructor SHQ16-1730 resolved constructor on package helper
SHQ16-1739 modify usage of checkout session, Updated issue reference in readme
SHQ16-1745 handle exception on addresses without region
SHQ16-992 implemented caching of rates using cache
Updated README with latest github issues
SHQ16-1774 record order packages
SHQ16-1708 display notification when credentials invalid in admin SHQ16-1859 allow extension of shipper mapper functions
SHQ16-1851 removed columns from sales order grid until we find a solution
SHQ16-992 implement config switch for caching rates
SHQ16-992 implement config switch for cached rates
SHQ16-1902 use stored address type in subsequent requests
SHQ16-1922 save package detail on first pass through checkout, set carrier code when settings are shqshared SHQ16-1927 pass store id when retrieving quote
SHQ16-1925 Resolved issue with merged rates not showing
SHQ16-594 populate shipperhq_location in request
SHQ16-1851_A reinstate order grid columns
SHQ16-1851_A reinstate order grid columns
SHQ16-1968 save packages when carrier and name is duplicated
SHQ16-2002 Fixed issue with SHQ using wrong stores API credentials within admin
SHQ16-2002 Fixed issue with SHQ using wrong stores API credentials within admin
SHQ16-2004 - custom admin shipping SHQ16-2029 - code sniffer changes
SHQ16-2032 and SHQ16-2041 pickup date is used as start when it's today, otherwise use start date SHQ16-2041 extended unit tests SHQ16-2029 changes from code sniffer review
SHQ16-1967 Accessorials in M2
Corrected version number display
SHQ16-2117 resolved issue with and custom admin shipping
SHQ16-2123 resolve issue with install and upgrade when database has been migrated from M1 to M2
SHQ16-2123 prevent deleting default attribute group
SHQ16-2141 UPS LTL use carrier code as type
SHQ16-2154 clean up step to remove duplicates from shq order grid table
SHQ16-2159 add custom admin shipping when no rates returned
SHQ16-2171 ensure internal error message can be displayed
SHQ16-2178 prevent display of address type and validation result on front end SHQ16-2200 Added in master packing boxes attribute to mapping
SHQ16-2178 set address type on new quote
SHQ16-2238 prevent null for city field SHQ16-2236 class variables made public to reuse in children SHQ16-2235 add freight attributes to catalog attributes xml SHQ16-2219 display location selected as pickup at checkout
SHQ16-2250 add destination_type attribute if not present
SHQ16-2205 - compatibility with release candidate M2.2
SHQ16-2205 - compatibility with release candidate M2.2
SHQ16-2205 DeliveryDate column backwards compatible with 2.2 RC
SHQ16-2258 add config for backup carrier timeout
SHQ16-2281 use mutable config when getting carrier by code
SHQ16-2266 added some debug logging to assist in customer diagnosis
SHQ16-2281 use system config to enable backup carrier temporarily
SHQ16-2298 set address type when request being made from cart on logged in customer
SHQ16-2231 support for customer account carrier
SHQ16-2300 Fixed issue with deleting old carriers from config
M2-45 Ensure we check array key exists on admin order view M2-47 Deadlocking issue work
SHQ16-2078 add unit tests for time slot calculations
M2-47 added fix to record order package items
SHQ16-2372 Fixed issue in SQL scripts
M2-51 reduce the maximum length of carrier and method code combination SHQ16-2374 move caching of allowedMethods response to only cache if it is successful
SHQ16-2375 support for split database architecture in EE
SHQ16-2392 added comments and refactored unit tests, added tests for calendarDetails default date M2-52 remove dependency on debug setting to enable logging
SHQ16-2346 Updated must_ship_freight with a note to say it can be overriden at carrier level
SHQ16-2417 ignore time zone when reformating dates
SHQ16-2435 Fixed issue with custom options causing a 403 error SHQ16-2255 Support for calendar and pickup in admin orders SHQ16-2419 Caching improvements M2-55 Modify order recording for MAC
SHQ16-2938 option to not modify carrier, SHQ16-2434 add IP to request, SHQ16-2489 handle empty street
SHQ16-2492 modified hiding of sallowspecific field
INFRA-62 Brought repo up to date
SHQ18-97 Update placeholder in config.xml
SHQ18-57 re-request of rates is for all carriers, so need to clean down all rates
SHQ18-58 Improve compatability with other extns, SHQ18-118/SHQ18-121 Improve module lookup, SHQ18-104 Fix timeslots ending at midnight
SHQ18-142 Remove redundant dependency from Helper/Modules
SHQ18-141 record validated address if a single corrected address is returned
SHQ18-141 record validated address if a single corrected address is returned
SHQ18-112 use Magento scope config
SHQ18-147 specify version constraints for required modules
SHQ18-147 specify version constraints for required modules
SHQ18-184 Explicitly defined table name to avoid SQL error in order grid
SHQ18-112 code clean up
SHQ18-169 only reset selected date when returning on checkout
SHQ18-196 add version to composer file
SHQ18-209 Fixed issue with inventoryCount being 0 instead of null
SHQ18-206/SHQ18-193 Fixed duplicate rates when changing date/options
SHQ18-220 - Made delivery date available in email template
SHQ18-227 Fix sorting order grid by SHQ fields
SHQ18-240 check for checkout_selections before accessing
SHQ18-220 refactored use of quote and order detail in email observer
SHQ18-237 - Fix for multiple rate currencies being returned when multiple origins
SHQ18-261 Fix ambiguous where clause SQL error in M2.2.4 with Amazon Pay
SHQ18-289 Fetch rates if out of stock item allows backorders
SHQ18-344 correct variable names for time slot and pickup location name
SHQ18-438 Implement rounding for decimal quantities under 1
SHQ18-127 Fix conflict with B2B module
SHQ18-155 support map and location details for in store pickup
SHQ18-511 Fix tooltips breaking checkout when method has special chars
SHQ18-774 Ensure correct store configuration is used in admin orders
SHQ18-860 Wipe selections when returning to cart from other pages
SHQ18-889 Resolved issue with getting store id in multi address checkout
SHQ18-964 Add availability date to attributes array
SHQ18-955 Convert html in origin and pickup names to corresponding character
SHQ18-1120 Perform dynamic address type lookup within PayPal express checkout
SHQ18-1159 Prevent calls to ShipperHQ API if credentials are not entered. SHQ18-1143 Autoselect method if only one present
SHQ18-944 Remove restricted characters from order grid column names
SHQ18-1335 Fixing Array to String Conversion
SHQ18-1310 Convert HTML in attribute values to character before sending in request
SHQ18-1391 Ensure shipping rate saved to order matches shipping rate in order details
SHQ18-1613 Support displaying actual method rate shopping selected in admin order view
SHQ18-1644 Fix case sensitivity in carrier logos / SHQ18-1620 Use numeric method codes for UPS
SHQ18-1651 Update dependencies in composer.json
SHQ18-1666 Display rate shopped method as order comment
SHQ18-1700 Code improvements to mitigate deadlocking
SHQ18-1613 Added carrier title to order comment. SHQ18-1777 Updated Zenda logo
SHQ18-1823 don't show logos for errors or non SHQ methods
SHQ18-1866 Save quote packages to session rather than DB. SHQ18-1947 Fix to ensure saving correct address details in multi address checkout. SHQ18-1804 Custom dutires in admin support
SHQ18-1907 Ensure duties and taxes do not duplicate. SHQ18-1945 Add FlavorCloud logo
SHQ18-2107 Support for allowed methods for multiple API keys on one store
SHQ18-2267 Make accessorials available on order emails
SHQ18-2247 uShip Integration
SHQ18-2416 Add support for showing rate shopped method in admin panel
SHQ18-2440/2431/2517/2518 Implement manual listing utility
SHQ18-2198 Support syncronisation from multiple API keys
SHQ18-2587 Added support for uShip NYP Amount (Price less fees) and improved uniqueness of shipmentId
SHQ18-2576/SHQ18-2577/SHQ18-2613 Fix multiple issues with missing data
SHQ18-2693 Fix exception when using Magento API
SHQ18-2787 Fix for exception when getting customer group
SHQ18-2575 Allow custom admin shipping price of 0
M2-63 changed modules in require-dev to lcase
SHQ18-2680 Minor performance enhancement
SHQ18-2851 Fix issue with email variables not being set
SHQ18-2284 PHP 7.3 compatibility
SHQ18-2869 Process rate response as array
SHQ18-2788 500 Error when missing BackupCarriers / SHQ18-2761 Carrier Logos not Showing
SHQ18-2940 Update composer dependencies
SHQ18-2929 Dont create duplicate attribute group, SHQ18-2825 Ensure migrated data from M1 migrates correctly, SHQ18-597 Uninstall script for use with composer
MNB-138 Fix for carrier logos not showing when CSS bundling enabled
MNB-176 Reset delivery date on new rate request. MNB-231 Set weight to null on 0 weight products
MNB-221 Change dimensional rule to shipping rule
MNB-279 Fix filtering in admin order grid
MNB-292 Fix issue with backup carrier not switching off. MNB-302 Fix alignment of UI table on checkout when tooltips enabled
MNB-358 Sync attributes from all API keys. MNB-271 Remove URL and sandbox mode
MNB-386 Prevent negative values in admin shipping. MNB-440 Add disptach date to email variables
MNB-459 Fix filtering by delivery and dispatch date in order grid
MNB-618 Fix delivery and dispatch date showing wrong dates in order grid
MNB-604 Add support for box comments for merged rates
MNB-578 Improved Logging
MNB-605 Add unique index to ShipperHQ sales order grid table
MNB-726 Fix issue around calendar showing cached rates when no rates are returned
MNB-764 Fix filtering in order grid for international date formats
MNB-808 fix php 7.4 deprecation issue
MNB-916 Fix warning generated in package processing
MNB-861 Tidy up DB. MNB-448 Fix carrier logos showing on date and accessorial change.
MNB-887 Fix issue with AV attributes showing on frontend
MNB-1060 remove a problematic FK
MNB-24 Updated proxy-manager-bridge version in composer.lock
MNB-1114 Fix for missing data in order grid, order comments and order
RIV-443 Add place order support for order management feature
RIV-443 Update composer to require new libraries
RIV-443 Fix lib-graphql dependency
RIV-443 Require updated library
RIV-443 Fix issues with Postorder
MNB-1186 Fix issue with obtaining transaction id on placeorder. MNB-1111 Add primary key to order items table. MNB-1102 Update address templates
MNB-1204 Fix issue around date select requesting rates for all carriers and errors showing when shouldnt
MNB-1260 Fix billing template to address MDVA-33289
MNB-1251 Add check for if in admin panel
MNB-1303 Add note to order containing customer account carrier details
MNB-1337 Fix issue when switching from backup to live rates
MNB-1385 Add check for zip required for destination
MNB-1429 Ensure correct method code is passed to shipping insights
MNB-1471 Add cache timeout. MNB-1465 Ensure order comment containing packing info is accurate. MNB-1464 Dont send details to Shipping Insights for non SHQ methods
MNB-1493 Move UK out of list of countries where postcode is optional
MNB-1340 Fix for incorrect dispatch date showing in admin
MNB-1576 Magento coding standards
MNB-1576 Magento coding standards
MNB-1575 Fix compilation error
MNB-1575 Fix compilation error
MNB-1592 move logic to prevent exception when order has no shipping rate
MNB-1597 Fix issue with pickup carrier logo failing to render
MNB-1836 Fix issue in upgrade script around foreign key requires index
MNB-1797 Fix unit tests to work with Magento 2.3+
MNB-1797 Fix unit tests to work with Magento 2.3+
MNB-1583 Update admin sales order item view to not use a plugin to add columns
RIV-530 submit address with placeOrder
RIV-530 Update composer to use new library
MNB-2023 Remove support for custom options in rate request
MNB-1467 Fix for shipping showing as not yet calculated on payment step
MNB-2102 Custom Admin Rates w/ Payflow // MNB-2112 declarative schema
MNB-2105 update shipping method on items when selecting custom rate
MNB-2253 Fix SQL error when upgrading from 20.38.1 or earlier
MNB-2270 Remove index from db_schema_whitelist.json
MNB-2285 Fix Shipping Insights integration
MNB-2338 Fix issue in data patch InstallDestTypeAttributes
MNB-2342 Fix issue with storing methods containing spaces on Shipping Insights
MNB-2430 M2.4.4 compatibility
MNB-2474 Stop using default saved address destination_type for new addresses when address validation enabled
MNB-2546 Fix issue with admin orders throwing errors
MNB-2591 use InventoryManagement instead of StockRegistry
MNB-2717 Prevent exception being thrown when configurable product with options added to cart
MNB-2726 fix issue when MSI uninstalled
MNB-2863 Fix error thrown when Magento inventory is disabled
MNB-2869 Add check for street lines being present in checkout
MNB-2933 Fix issue with trying to access variables before they exist in templates. MNB-2865 Add revert (uninstall) methods to all setup patches
RIV-1237 Add pickup address to customer order view and add option to not replace shipping address with pickup address. Fixed carriergroup_shipping_html not populating
MNB-3061 Fix issue with packing section name and box tolerance not populating in request
MNB-2992 Fix issue with no rates when product is backordered
MNB-3183 Fix for admin calendar reverting date to first available date
MNB-3219 Fix issue with M2 sales order grid showing incorrect year on dates
MNB-2930 Fix order notes with generic carrier
MNB-3173 Fix to ensure AdobeMSI stock handler is only used when MSI enabled and configured. MNB-3339 Update readme.
SHQ23-46 Correct the datatype of freight_class attribute from int to text
SHQ23-55 Auto renew auth token for uShip / Shipping Insights if its about to expire or expired. SHQ23-295 Fix issue with deadlocking on install
SHQ23-429 Resolve issue with store price using incorrect value when coupon code entered and non base currency selected
SHQ23-531 Add support for PHP8.2
SHQ23-1143 Minor enhancement to inventory logic
SHQ23-1021 Fix issue with place order call not populating site details
SHQ23-2090 Improve functionality of email template variables
SHQ23-474 Update code around order comments to be 2.4 compliant
SHQ23-1281 Fix security linter warnings
SHQ23-3030 Fix issue in multiaddress checkout when virtual products present. SHQ23-3040 Support for new security patch around CSP
SHQ23-3075 Fix html showing in order view
SHQ23-3406 Fix issue with method selection between cart and checkout. SHQ23-3492 Ensure composer uninstall removes all ShipperHQ data