- System startup process
- Boot manager
- Kernel and initrd files
- The initrd init
- The init operation in the system
Build a temporary build chain system.
- The purpose of the temporary compile chain.
- Binutils-2.30-Pass1
- Gcc-7.30-Pass1
- Linux-4.15.3-API-Headers
- Glibc-2.27
- Libstdc++-7.30
- Binutils-2.30-Pass2
- Gcc-7.30-Pass2
- Tcl-core-8.6.8
- Expect-5.45.4
- DejaGNU-1.6.1
- M4-1.4.18
- Ncurses-6.1
- Bash-4.4.18
- Bison-3.0.4
- Bzip2-1.0.6
- Coreutils-8.29
- Diffutils-3.6
- File-5.32
- Findutils-4.6.0
- Gawk-4.2.0
- Gettext-
- Grep-3.1
- Gzip-1.9
- Make-4.2.1
- Patch-2.7.6
- Perl-5.26.1
- Sed-4.4
- Tar-1.30
- Texinfo-6.5
- Util-linux-2.31.1
- Clean up
- Change the owner
- Backup the tools toolkit to restore the experimental environment
- Install basic system software.
- Install basic system software
- The temporary compile chain is associated with the destination
- Mount the kernel file system
- Enter the chroot environment.
- Create the necessary files, directories, links.
- Linux-4.15.3-API-Headers
- Man-pages-3.79
- Glibc-2.21
- Adjustment tool chain
- Zlib-1.2.11
- File-5.32
- Readline-7.0
- M4-1.4.18
- Bc-1.07.1
- Binutils-2.30
- GMP-6.1.2
- MPFR-4.0.1
- MPC-1.1.0
- GCC-7.3.0
- Bzip2-1.0.6
- Pkg-config-0.29.2
- Ncurses-6.1
- Attr-2.4.47
- Acl-2.2.52
- Libcap-2.25
- Sed-4.4
- Shadow-4.5
- Psmisc-23.1
- Iana-Etc-2.30
- Bison-3.0.4
- Flex-2.6.4
- Grep-3.1
- Bash-4.4.18
- Libtool-2.4.6
- GDBM-1.14.1
- Gperf-3.1
- Expat-2.2.5
- Inetutils-1.9.4
- Perl-5.26.1
- XML::Parser-2.44
- Intltool-0.51.0
- Autoconf-2.69
- Automake-1.15.1
- Xz-5.2.3
- Kmod-25
- Gettext-
- Libelf-0.170
- Libffi-3.2.1
- OpenSSL-1.1.0g
- Python-3.6.4
- Ninja-1.8.2
- Meson-0.44.0
- Systemd-237
- Procps-ng-3.3.12
- E2fsprogs-1.43.9
- Coreutils-8.29
- Check-0.12.0
- Diffutils-3.6
- Gawk-4.2.0
- Findutils-4.6.0
- Groff-1.22.3
- GRUB-2.02
- Less-530
- Gzip-1.9
- IPRoute2-4.15.0
- Kbd-2.0.4
- Libpipeline-1.5.0
- Make-4.2.1
- Patch-2.7.6
- D-Bus-1.12.4
- Util-linux-2.31.1
- Man-DB-2.8.1
- Tar-1.30
- Texinfo-6.5
- Vim-8.0.586
- Debugging symbols to introduce and clean up useless content
- Basic system configuration
- Let the LFS system boot
- The final creation file is finished