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Redis Wrapper

Module for connecting to either single, sentinel or cluster redis. Comes with added power of building and running multi commands (pipeline and transaction).


yarn install @shivam-tripathi/redis-wrapper-ts

Connection Parameters

RedisStore requires the following values:

  1. service:string - Identifier for this instance. Can be any string.
  2. config:RedisConfig - Config for connection. See the next section for details.
  3. emitter?:events.EventEmitter - Event emitter for relevant events related data. The events are log, success and error. This is useful if one needs custom logging for the events. The data emitted would be of type:
    interface Event {
      service: string;
      message: string;
      data?: any;
      error?: Error;
    The emitter defaults to using console.log for all events.


  1. Cluster
interface ClusterConfig {
  cluster: {
    hosts: { host: string; port: number }[];
  password?: string;
  1. Sentinel
interface SentinelConfig {
  sentinel: {
    name: string;
    hosts: { host: string; port: number }[];
  db?: number;
  password?: string;
  1. Single
interface SingleConfig {
  host: string;
  port: number;
  db?: number;
  password?: string;

Preference of read is cluster > sentinel > single.


const Redis = require('@shivam/redis');

async function boot() {
  const redis = Redis.RedisStore('RedisNameIdentifier', {
    auth: { use: true, password: 'redisPassword' },
    host: 'localhost',
    port: '6379',
    db: 3,
  await redis.init();
  await redis.client.set('one', 101);
  console.log(await redis.client.get('one'));

Transaction and Pipeline

Multi interface is defined as:

interface PipelineAction {
  cmd: string; // Redis command you wish to execute, eg 'get', 'hget', 'del', 'hmset' etc
  args?: any[]; // Related args, for example with 'get' args would be ['keyName']
  before?: (_?: any[]) => any[]; // Function you wish to run on args before calling the command
  after?: (result: any) => any; // Function you wish to run on the result
interface MultiAction {
  actions: { [id: string]: PipelineAction };
  executed: boolean;
  results: { [id: string]: any };
  addAction: (id: string, action: PipelineAction) => void;
  addCommand: (id: string, cmd: string, ...args: any[]) => void;
  exec: () => Promise<any>;
  1. Transaction
async function demo() {
  const transaction = redis.transaction();
  transaction.addAction('getOne', {
    cmd: 'get',
    args: ['one'],
  transaction.addAction('hashMapSetTwo', {
    cmd: 'hmset',
    args: ['two', { foo: 'bar' }],
  transaction.addCommand('getTwoFoo', 'hget', 'two', 'foo');
  const { getOne, hashMapSetTwo, getTwoFoo } = await transaction.exec();

Same code will be repeated for pipline, just replace redis.transaction with redis.pipeline.