- 🧠 10.1 Introducing Relational Databases and SQL
- 🧠 10.2 Introducing the Interfaces of JDBC
- 🧠 10.3 Connecting to a Database
- 🧠 10.4 Obtaining a Statement
- 🧠 10.5 Executing a Statement
- 🧠 10.6 Getting Data from a Result Set
- 🧠 10.7 Closing Database Resources
- 🧠 10.8 Dealing with Exceptions
- 📝 Revision Notes
- ✅ Review Questions
- Describe the interfaces which make up the core of the JDBC API including Driver, Connection, Statement, and ResultSet and their relationship to provider implementations
- Identify components needed to connect to the database using the
class and including the JDBC URL - Submit queries and read read results from the database including creating statements, returning result sets, iterating through the results, and properly closing result sets, statements, and connections