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fuxity edited this page Dec 5, 2016 · 8 revisions

#Code access You can find and download in the code page

#Project code The code is managed on 'github', and written the following languages:

  • HTML
  • JS-Angular
  • CSS

#License This code is open-source, under the copy-rights "Azrieli - Jerusalem Collage of Engineering".

#bug In case you found bug in "Smart-School" please report in one of the next ways: For bugs you can open an issue through Issues board

#Directory structure and files in the project

#Compilation & Running

  • Make sure MongoDB server is running
  • Upload your Drive API files (client_secret.json & drive-nodejs-creds.json) to your server - for more info click here
  • use npm start to start the server npm run debug run server with debug messages

Getting Started

"Smart-Schol" is an Pre-Army behevioral school that offers students who finished school and about to join the IDF- a year of preparation in a diversed ways.
"Smart-School" is a web application that helps the school staff to grade and student evalation in an easy way towards improving the process of creating reportcards .
The app will work in:

  • Internet environment optimized for all browsers on desktop computers and laptops.
  • Internet environment optimized for all Smartphones


In the sign-in process the user will asked to insert a:

  • Username.
  • Password.
  • check his login type (principle, main teacher, head teacher, teacher,secratery)

Log-in Process

In the sign-in process the user will asked to insert a:

  • Username.
  • Password.

while the system approves the username & password -the menu will appear.


Username \ Password isn't recognized:

  • In case of username \ password problem- user may try to enter again with the same details, if its not working the user can press: "Forgot Username\Password" button on the login menu.

Report a bug

In case you found bug in "Smart-School" please report in one of the next ways:

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