- Each appropriate command pretty-prints the first 20 rows of the current data structure.
- Data structure listings are automatically paged so you're less likely to blow up your REPL by inadvertently listing a huge data structure.
- At the same time, the current object pointed-to by the (pwd) is always available so you can map, mapcat, reduce, and grep the actual objects to your heart's content.
(mount data-structure)
(cd :child-node 1 :another-child ...)
(cd "..")
(current) ; return the current object
(current :sub1 :sub2 ...) ; return the object referenced by :sub1 and :sub2 from (current)
(grep matcher root-object)
Recursively applies matcher to all children of root-object. When a match is found, the container of the matched object is returned.
The matcher itself can be any type. If it is a regular expression Pattern, it is matched against strings or the output of (.toString obj) Strings match any substring of (.toString object). All other objects match using (= matcher obj).
=> (grep :diffed (current))
[[:diffed {}] [:diffed {}]]
In this case, grep searched a data structure that reports differences between two related objects. This run determined that there were no differences found under (current).
(| (range 50) inc #(/ % 2) +)
(Experimental module)
Inject behavior before/after/around all forms in a do-style block or thread-last macro form (experimental).
For example:
(inject logging (form1) (form2) ...)
Logs each form as it is executed. If a form takes longer than 1/2 second, logs the elapsed time as well.
(fns (form1) (form2) ...)
Returns a vector containing all forms converted into 0-arg functions. These functions then can be executed during a map, mapcat, or reduce operation and their results stored, further processed, logged, etc.
These utilities are designed mainly to enhance REPL usage, so we suggest adding them to your .lein/profiles.clj in the :user or :dev profile or equivalent for your build tool.
One might always want these utilities available, even at runtime. In that case, adding them to your :user profile would make sense. To do that, merge the following into your :user map in your profiles.clj file.
:user {:repositories [["jitpack" "https://jitpack.io"]]
:dependencies [[com.github.shopsmart/clojure-navigation "version"]]}
where "version" currently is "".
<name>Jitpack repo</name>
Copyright © 2015 by ShopSmart, LLC. Licensed under the Eclipse Public License v1.0.
David Orme