- Amazon developer account
- AWS Account
- Playground instance (https://playground.shopware.com/)
- Login to Amazon developer Account
- Goto the Alexa console (https://developer.amazon.com/alexa/console/ask)
- Create a new Skill
- Enter skill name, default language
- Goto the JSON-Editor
- Paste model of you language
- Configure Account Linking
- Login to your playground instance
- create an integration
- back in the amazon account
- Authorization grant type:
Auth code grant
- Authorization URI:
- Access Token URI:
- client id:
Access key ID
of the new created integration - client secret:
Secret access key
of the new created integration - client authentication scheme:
HTTP Basic (Recommended)
- Set the BASE_URL to your playground instance (e.g.
- Login to your AWS Account
- Goto Lambda functions (https://eu-west-1.console.aws.amazon.com/lambda/home)
- Create a new function
- Choose a name
- Choose as runtime Node.js 8.10
- Choose or create a role (the role must also have access to Amazon DynamoDB)
- Create function
- Add Alexa Skill Kit as trigger to the skill
- Add the App-Id of the Skill (https://developer.amazon.com/alexa/console/ask/build/custom/{SKILLID}/development/{language}/endpoint)
- Add the ARN of the lambda to the Skill (It starts with
) - install dependencies local
cd lambda; npm install
- zip the content of the lambda folder
cd lambda; zip -X -r Skill.zip *
- upload the zip
- Save