This is a predictive analysis using Logistic Regression model. Is based on Epicurious recipe dataset taken from Kaggle. It's an ongoing exploration, as the dataset has over 600 columns and 20,000 recipes. There's a lot more that could be learned from it.
Here's the Kaggle link for the analysis workbook:
Primary question: How likely a recipe a dessert recipe given the nutritional content in it?
To answer this, I used the nutritional columns and the ratings as explanatory variables. And 'dessert' column as the binary response variable.
Dessert recipes had higher ratings as the model showed that increase in ratings increased the odds of a dessert recipe by 1.17 fold, or 17% more likely than any other recipe.
High protein content is not 'really' expected in a dessert recipe. And the model showed that. The odds of a dessert recipe went down by 19% with the increase in the protein content.
There were several other interesting findings in this dataset.
If it piques your interest, here's the link to the dataset: