The Kruize HPO REST API design is as follows
Start a new Experiment with Kruize HPO. This requires a valid Search Space JSON to be passed in. We can use curl or any REST clients like Postman, ARC etc. Note: For testing on rest clients please remove -d.
'POST /experiment_trials'
`Content-Type: application/json`
curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' http://<URL>:<PORT>/experiment_trials -d
"operation": "EXP_TRIAL_GENERATE_NEW",
"search_space": '--See example search space JSON below--'
Status code Response body
200 trial_number
400 Corresponding error message for Bad request
404 Resource not found
Here is an example Search Space JSON
"operation": "EXP_TRIAL_GENERATE_NEW",
"search_space": {
"experiment_name": "<ENTER EXPERIMENT NAME>",
"experiment_id": "a123",
"total_trials": 5,
"parallel_trials": 1,
"value_type": "double",
"hpo_algo_impl": "optuna_tpe",
"objective_function": "transaction_response_time",
"tunables": [
"value_type": "double",
"lower_bound": 150,
"name": "memoryRequest",
"upper_bound": 300,
"step": 1
"value_type": "double",
"lower_bound": 1,
"name": "cpuRequest",
"upper_bound": 3,
"step": 0.01
"direction": "minimize"
Get a Trial Configuration JSON filled with values for each tunable that is part of the Search Space for a given trial number.
'GET /experiment_trials?experiment_name=<name>&trial_number=<trial-number>'
curl -H 'Accept: application/json' 'http://<URL>:<PORT>/experiment_trials?experiment_name=name&trial_number=0'
Example Response:
"tunable_name": "cpu_request",
“tunable_value”: 3.47
"tunable_name": "memory_request",
“tunable_value”: 728
Status code Response body
200 trial_configs
400 Corresponding error message for Bad request
404 Experiment/Resource not found
Send the result obtained by running a trial with the previously provided Trial Configuration back to Kruize HPO.
'POST /experiment_trials'
'Content-Type: application/json'
curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' http://<URL>:<PORT>/experiment_trials -d
"experiment_name" : "name",
"operation" : "EXP_TRIAL_RESULT",
"trial_number": xyz,
"trial_result": "success | failure | error",
"result_value_type": "double",
"result_value": abc
success : The experiment trial runs successfully without any error.
failure : The experiment trial fails due to reason such as invalid tunable value in the search_space.
Trial will be skipped and experiment continues with the next trial.
error : The experiment terminates due to reasons such as network error.
Status code Response body
200 Result Status
400 Corresponding error message for Bad request
404 Experiment/Resource not found
Continue a previously started experiment and get the Next Trial Number.
'POST /experiment_trials'
'Content-Type: application/json'
curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' http://<URL>:<PORT>/experiment_trials -d
"experiment_name" : "name"
Status code Response body
200 trial_number
400 Corresponding error message for Bad request
404 Experiment/Resource not found
Deletes an experiment(running or completed). Data/plots available for the experiment also gets deleted.
'POST /experiment_trials'
'Content-Type: application/json'
curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' http://<URL>:<PORT>/experiment_trials -d
"operation": "EXP_DELETE",
"experiment_name" : "name"
Status code Response body
200 Result Status
400 Corresponding error message for Bad request
404 Experiment/Resource not found
Get the status of HPO.
`GET /health`
`curl -H 'Accept: application/json' http://<URL>:<PORT>/health`
Status code Response body
200 OK
503 Service Unavailable
Generate various plots after an experiment is complete.
'GET /plot?experiment_name=<name>&type=<plot_type>'
curl -o tunable_importance.html 'http://<URL>:<PORT>/plot?experiment_name=name&type=tunable_importance'
Status code Response body
200 html file containing the plot for the given type
400 Corresponding error message for Bad request
404 Experiment/Resource not found
Supported plot type:
type Description
tunable_importance Plot importance of all tunables
optimization_history Plot optimization history of all trials
parallel_coordinate Plot the high-dimensional tunable relationships
slice Plot the tunable relationship as slice
Note: In cases of a single trial experiment and no variance in objective function value, tunable_importance plot doesn't generate.