Programming Language Used: Python 3.7 :: Anaconda, Inc.
Python ==3.7.1 numpy ==1.11.0 pandas ==0.23.4 Pillow ==6.0.0 matplotlib ==3.0.3
Fruit Data Set: In folder resized_fruits. This is subfolders for each fruit category. Animal Data Set: In folder resized. This is subfolders for each animal category.
Testing data: resized_animals_test resized_fruit_test
FOR PCA Based Image Classifier Uses PCA based dimension reduction on the dataset specified. Code for both the datasets is given. Uncomment to specify which dataset are you going to use. The file runs default on animal dataset in the folder resized.
How to run: python <file_name>.py
FOR Image Resizing for PCA Image resizing if needed!
How to run: python <file_name>.py
For a detailed implementaion overview, check PCA Based Animal Recognition.docx