Our project basically manages the ticket booking process of a multiplex, providing an interface to the user to book movie tickets in more easier way. At the front end we have used PHP and at the back end My SQL server. The project proceeds through a sequence of well-designed forms provided with validations to ensure consistency, reliability and most importantly correctness of information fed into the database.
This report discusses the result of the work done in development of “Online Movie Ticket Management System” on “PHP and HTML” as the Front-end Platform and “MySQL and XAMPPSERVER” as the back-end Platform.
The four modules function parallelly to function as a modern-day multiplex.
- Theater
- User
- Admin
- Transaction
The Data-requirements are given as follows: -
User Module
- User Registration ∙ User Register with Name, A Username (for logging in later), Password, Phone Number, E-mail address.
- User Login ∙ User Can Book the Ticket After Log in. ∙ User Login with User Name and Password. ∙ Forgot Password use for Retrieve Password.
- Check Availability ∙ After Login, User, Can Search Movie From Movie List. ∙ User Can Check Ticket Availability. ∙ User can also check the Movie Running Hours. ∙ If Ticket is Available User Can Book Ticket.
- Book Ticket ∙ User can book ticket by specifying username and Phone Number. ∙ Then Select Number of Seats to Book. ∙ A conformation Message will be sent to the Given Number. The content of the message is as shown below: - “BKID-RANDOM 7 DIGIT NUMBER”
Admin Control:
- Admin User Login. ∙ Admin User Login with Admin User Name and Password. Show Manage. ∙ Admin Can Change Show Name and Show Time.
- Movie Mange. ∙ Admin Can Add New Movie. ∙ Admin Can Edit Old Movie Details. ∙ Admin Can Delete Movie.
- Schedule Manage. ∙ Admin Can Add New Movie Schedule. ∙ Admin Can Edit Movie Schedule. ∙ Admin Can Delete Movie Schedule.
- User Manage ∙ Admin Can control the signed-up users ∙ Admin can delete the account of users who didn't show up for the movie after booking tickets. *Counter Control ∙ Counter Employee Login with Counter User Name and Password. ∙ Counter Employee type the message shown by the Customer in the field given and confirm the user. ∙ Tickets are issued from the Counter.
If interested 📧 imsky004@gmail.com or 🔗 http://shubhaam13.github.io/