Simple Logging Library
Video Explanation :
Develop a basic logging library that can be used by applications to log messages. The library should handle message logging efficiently and reliably, offering basic configuration options.
Key Requirements:
● Driver Application should be able to Initialize the Library and log messages to the desired sink. ● Logger has the following capabilities- ○ Accepts messages from client(s) ○ A logger would have one or more sinks associated with it. ○ Supports defined message levels. ○ enriches message with current timestamp while directing message to a sink ○ Logger is initialized with a configuration eg:logger name, sink(s), buffer size. ○ Logger should support both sync and async logging. ■ For Async logger buffer size would determine the maximum inflight messages. ○ Messages must be ordered. Messages should reach the sink in the order they were sent. ○ Should support writes from multiple-threads. ○ There shouldn’t be any data loss. ● Sink: ○ There can be various types of sink (file, stdout, database). ○ Sink has a destination. ■ For this round you may create STDOUT sink, which would print the message to the console. ○ Sink has an associated log level. Any message with the level lower than the sink level should be discarded. ● Message ○ has content which is of type string ○ has a level associated with it ● Log Level ○ DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, FATAL ; in order of priority. ERROR has higher priority than INFO.
Sending messages
● Sink need not be mentioned while sending a message to the logger library. ● You specify message content and level while sending a message
Logger configuration (see sample below)
● Specifies all the details required to use the logger library. ● Library can accept one or more configuration for an application ● Example: ○ time format ○ logging level ○ sink type ○ Logger type sync/async ○ details required for sink (eg file location)); this depends on sink type.
Sample Config:
Ts_format: any format log_level:INFO logger_type:ASYNC buffer_size:25 sink_type:STDOUT
Sample Output Log Entry
03-01-2024-09-30-00 [INFO] This is a sample log message.
Expectations and Guidelines
- Create the sample data yourself. You can put it into a file, test case or main driver program itself.
- The code should be demo-able. Either by using the main driver program or test cases.
- The code should be modular. The code should have the basic OO design. Please do not jam in the responsibilities of one class into another.
- The code should be extensible. Wherever applicable, use interfaces and contracts between different methods. It should be easy to add/remove functionality without rewriting the entire codebase.
- The code should handle edge cases properly and fail gracefully.
- The code should be legible, readable and DRY.
- Database integration is not required.
- Please do not access the internet for anything EXCEPT syntax.
- You are free to use the language and IDE of your choice.
- The entire code should be your own.