Breakout game with multi level support which are read from a config file and supports both English and French language. Implemented using SDL2 library in Visual Studio 2017 Community edition.
- Windows 10 x64 system
- Visual Studio 2017 C++ setup
- https://goo.gl/3VVntY OR
- Can be found under Game directory
- Pull repo from link provided above
- Download SDL2_image, SDL2_ttf,SDL2,SDL2_mixer Visual Studio development libraries and include these in Visual studio project
- Copy assets folder and keep it in same directory where executable file is generated
- Copy config folder and keep it in same directory where executable file is generated
- Now Build the solution and it should be running the game NOTE: Maximum number of levels allowed are 5
- Pull zip file from link provided above
- Extract zip file contents, it contains Config and Assets folder, dll and .exe
- Config folder contains config.txt which can be edited to change number of levels in game
- Double clicking the exe should run the game