- Course Manager webapp has three different interfaces for different types of users.
- Admin/Faculty can go to https://course-manager-react-ssharma.herokuapp.com/ and add/delete course, update course content.
- Faculty can go to ReactNative mobile app at https://github.com/shubhsharma10/CourseManager_ReactNative and add quizes or exams to each course.
- Student can go to https://course-manager-angular-ssharma.herokuapp.com and view courses, course contents and enroll/withdraw.
- Front end is created using ReactJS and Redux.
- Middle tier is Springboot Java server
- Database used is MySQL
- Github repo for ReactJS front end is: https://github.com/shubhsharma10/CourseManager_React
- React JS front end is hosted at: https://course-manager-react-ssharma.herokuapp.com/
- Github repo for Springboot server is: https://github.com/shubhsharma10/CourseManager_JavaServer
- Mobile app is developed using ReactNative
- This app uses aforementioned Springboot Server for course and course content retrieval
- Github repo for ReactNative mobile app is: https://github.com/shubhsharma10/CourseManager_ReactNative
- Front end is created using Angular 6.0
- Middle tier for storing student, course sections and student enrollment relation is NodeJS server
- It also uses aforementioned Springboot server for retrieving course and course content
- Database used is MongoDB
- Github repo for Angular client is: https://github.com/shubhsharma10/CourseManager_Angular
- Angular front end is hostead at: https://course-manager-angular-ssharma.herokuapp.com/
- Github repo for NodeJS server is: https://github.com/shubhsharma10/CourseManager_NodeJS