This bundle does one simple job: takes dates and gives you friendly "2 hours ago"-type messages. Woh!
Last edited {{ post.updatedAt|ago }}
<-- Last edited 1 week ago -->
The date formatted can be translated into any language, and may are supported out of the box.
composer require knplabs/knp-time-bundle
Register the bundle:
// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
// ...
new Knp\Bundle\TimeBundle\KnpTimeBundle(),
// ...
Enable the translation component if you haven't already done it:
# app/config/config.yml
# ...
translator: { fallback: '%locale%' } # uncomment this line if you see this line commented
// Use the helper with Php
echo $view['time']->diff($dateTime); // returns something like "3 minutes ago"
In Twig!
{{ someDateTimeVariable|ago }}
... or use the equivalent function
{{ time_diff(someDateTimeVariable) }}
If you want to run tests, please check that you have installed dev dependencies.
Anyone can contribute to this repository (and it's warmly welcomed!). The following people maintain and can merge into this library: