This is cloned from chrisdonahue/wavegan to learn GAN synthesize.
This is an expermental script to test original wavegan on google colaboratory.
Following is 6 hours train result using sc09 (digits speech).
D-loss G-loss (until 3k)
There are generated wave samples in model.ckp-2995-generated-wave-sample folder.
Their sound quality is sill low, due to train time is short.
This is a conditional wavegan, by adding condition to original wavegan using drum wave as label into wav 2nd channel.
Following script is to test this conditional wavegan.
There are generated drum samples in model.ckpt-4532-generated-drum-sample folder.
This conditional result is still dissatisfaction. This condtion is probably not enough too sharp to discrimate.
Regarding to original wavegan license, please see LICENSE-wavegan.txt.