This script downloads and processes genome sequences and annotations for a particular species from an Ensembl release, e.g.
download_ensembl mouse 94 <your_email> <output_directory>
The script:
- Downloads top-level sequences for the species' genome in FASTA format (primary assembly sequences for human and mouse),
- Downloads gene annotations in GTF format,
- Creates a genome index for the STAR mapping tool,
- Builds Salmon indexes for the transcripts defined in the GTF file,
- Downloads gene information (gene id, name, chromosome, description, Entrez ID, gene biotype) into a file 'genes.tsv'. Only genes on primary assembly sequences are retained (i.e. those on patch sequences are removed),
- Downloads transcript information (transcript id, transcript biotype, gene id, chromosome) into a file 'transcripts.tsv'. Only transcripts for genes on primary assembly sequences are retained,
- Downloads information on mouse and human orthologous genes to files '_orthologs.tsv'.
Now the output directory will look like this: (example from mouse Ensembl 94)
|-- BOWTIE2_indices
| |-- primary_assembly_2.3.4
| `-- primary_assembly_2.3.4.3
|-- KALLISTO_indices
| |-- primary_assembly -> KALLISTO_indices/primary_assembly_kallisto0.45.0/kallisto_index
| |-- primary_assembly_0.43.1
| `-- primary_assembly_0.45.0
|-- Mus_musculus.GRCm38.94.gtf
|-- SALMON_indices
| |-- primary_assembly -> SALMON_indices/primary_assembly_salmon0.12.0
| |-- primary_assembly_0.12.0
| `-- primary_assembly_0.8.2
|-- STAR_indices
| |-- primary_assembly -> STAR_indices/primary_assembly_STAR2.6.1d
| |-- primary_assembly_2.5.3a
| `-- primary_assembly_2.6.1d
|-- mouse_primary_assembly.fa
|-- primary_assembly
| |-- 1.fa
| |-- 10.fa
| |-- .........
`-- transcripts_ref
|-- transcripts
|-- transcripts.chrlist
|-- transcripts.grp
|-- transcripts.idx.fa
|-- transcripts.n2g.idx.fa
|-- transcripts.seq
|-- transcripts.ti
`-- transcripts.transcripts.fa
The script will pre-process sample read files into a format for uploading to ENA. The procedure is as follows:
- generate md5sums before copying the read files to output folder
- copy the read files to the output folder
- check the md5sums after copying
- for each sample:
- find all read1/read2 files
- check read1/read2 have the same number of files
- for read1/read2
- unzip and concatenate into one file
- check the number of lines in the merged file is the sum of pre-merged read files
- compress the merged file
- move compressed, merged file to output folder
- check the compressed, merged file has the same number of lines as the uncompressed, merged file
- check merged, compressed read1/read2 files have the same number of rows
- create a file in the output folder containing md5sums for the merged, compressed read files
- finish
Execute an XML query against a particular version of Biomart.