SimplyREST is a project in Scala and Spray for checking the behavior of your APIs with parallel calls.
---------------------Setting the framework---------------------------------------------
- Install scala
- Install sbt
---------------------Making the concurrent calls---------------------------------------
In terminal enter below command- sbt run
---------------------Your API Details In src/test/resources/data.json-------------------
You can make CRUD(POST,READ,PUT and Delete) operations to your APIs by specifying the url,no of individual methods call headers and query params in src/test/resources/data.json.
Like - "url": "" //you API endpoint
"NoOfGETCalls": 5 //no of GET calls to your API
"Post": [ { "data": "test" } ] //Post method data
"Headers": [ { "Host" :"" } ] // Specify Request headers in Headers object
Similarly QueryParams in "QueryParams" object
---------------------For Changing The REST Client Details Modify src/test/resources/application.conf--------------
For making x number of parallel calls to you API change 'max-connections' field of 'host-connector' to x.
You can change many configurations in src/test/resources/application.conf all details of which are written in the src/test/resources/application.conf file itself
------------------------------------------------Thank You---------------------------------------------------------------------