We welcome contributions in several forms, e.g.
- Documenting
- Testing
- Coding
- etc.
Please read 14 Ways to Contribute to Open Source without Being a Programming Genius or a Rock Star.
Please check Issues and look for unassigned ones or create a new one.
We currently use the Feature Branch Workflow. The mentioned links from Atlassian are the recommended docs to read and understand the git workflows.
Before you do any changes make sure you are using the latest revision of the repository.
To contribute you first need a branch for the feature.
Do your changes give appropriate comments.
After you applied your changes and tested everything. Commit all your changes with a commit message.
After committing your changes, push the changes on to your branch.
Create a merge-request by selecting 'Merge Requests' on the left menu and click 'New Merge Request'. In the following view choose your branch as the source branch and select master as the target branch.
Click on "Compare branches", add some description, like what you would like to achieve with your changes and assign the request. Click "Submit merge request".
Copy the text from License file
// Copyright (c) <COPYRIGHT HOLDER>, <YEAR>.
// Author : Your Name, email id of the author
The year shall reflect the creation date.
In the next section, mention the changes done in the file and the reason for it.