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Propagating trace context to outgoing requests or lambda response
The library ships a helper function to inject tracing context headers into a dictionary like object. The function accepts two arguments. First argument must be a dictionary like object that the trace context is injected into. The second argument is optional and must be a OpenTracing span context. If one is not provided, the function uses the currently active span. Example:
import signalfx_lambda
def handler(event, context):
request = urllib.request.Request('http://some-service', headers={...})
response = urllib.request.urlopen(request)
# handle response
import signalfx_lambda
def handler(event, context):
headers = {...}
# inject trace context into the headers dictionary
request = urllib.request.Request('http://some-service', headers=headers)
response = urllib.request.urlopen(request)
# handle response