We proudly present a PHP library to connect with CEIDG (Polish registry on businesses) API, using SOAP protocol.
Our library is capable of parsing querying result into well-formatted object or array of objects, validating inputted data (such as VAT number). Build atop the SOLID, DRY, and KISS principles, it provides a comprehensive tool to communicate with CEIDG API.
Please refer to the official API documentation, available at the CEIDG system website at https://datastore.ceidg.gov.pl (you should be logged in to view documentation files). Our library reflects their idea wholly.
As simple as it can be:
composer require sigrun/ceidg-api
To declare API client, create new client class, with authorization token and (optionally) sandbox flag as arguments:
use CeidgApi\CeidgApi;
$authToken = 'secret';
// To connect with the production environment
$ceidgProductionApi = new CeidgApi($authToken);
// To connect with the sandbox environment
$ceidgSandboxApi = new CeidgApi($authToken, true);
CEIDG API provides two SOAP functions - GetId and GetMigrationData201901. The first returns only companies' unique IDs, whereas the second one - full data on the companies.
$getId = $ceidgProductionApi->getId();
$getMigrationData = $ceidgProductionApi->getMigrationData();
// or
$getMigrationData = $ceidgProductionApi->getMigrationData201901();
We've implemented a simple chain of responsibility pattern, enabling easy setting up querying params.
// To get IDs of all companies modified or created on August 5th, 2019
$result = $getId->setMigrationDateFrom('2019-08-05')->setMigrationDateTo('2019-08-05')->send();
// To get IDs of all companies having postcode '02-662'
$result = $getId->setPostcode('02-662')->send();
You can demand on-the-fly parsing of the result. Depending on the number of retrieved entries, you will receive either a single object or an array of them. send()
method has a $parse
argument, default set to true
An example (abbreviated) of parsed response looks as following:
"IdentyfikatorWpisu": "ff83fff2fc2ab947f78fb6069f1767df",
"DanePodstawowe": {
"Imie": "Ryszard",
"Nazwisko": "Petru",
"NIP": "8991999655",
"REGON": "147022306",
"Firma": "Ryszard Petru Consulting"
You can do everything mentioned above, within a single line of code:
$result = (new CeidgApi($authToken))->getId()->setMigrationDateFrom('2019-08-05')->setMigrationDateTo('2019-08-05')->send();
Available query params are compliant with those described in the official API documentation. A 'UniqueId' param can be set using the 'setUniqueId' method, a 'NIP' param - using the 'setNIP' method, etc.
To remove a param from query params array, you can call a method with 'null' as its only argument, like 'SetUniqueId(null)'. There's no difference between method names starting with a capital letter or not.
Param | Query functions | Setter method | Type | Has validator? |
DateTo | GetId, GetMigrationData | SetDateTo | String ('Y-m-d') | not yet |
DateFrom | GetId, GetMigrationData | SetDateFrom | String ('Y-m-d') | not yet |
MigrationDateTo | GetId, GetMigrationData | SetMigrationDateTo | String ('Y-m-d') | not yet |
MigrationDateFrom | GetId, GetMigrationData | SetMigrationDateFrom | String ('Y-m-d') | not yet |
UniqueId | GetMigrationData | SetUniqueId | Array of strings | not yet |
NIP | GetMigrationData | SetNIP | Array of strings | yes |
REGON | GetMigrationData | SetREGON | Array of strings | yes |
NIP_SC | GetMigrationData | SetNIP_SC | Array of strings | yes |
REGON_SC | GetMigrationData | SetREGON_SC | Array of strings | yes |
Name | GetMigrationData | SetName | Array of strings | no |
Province | GetMigrationData | SetProvince | Array of strings | no |
County | GetMigrationData | SetCounty | Array of strings | no |
Commune | GetMigrationData | SetCommune | Array of strings | no |
City | GetMigrationData | SetCity | Array of strings | no |
Street | GetMigrationData | SetStreet | Array of strings | no |
Postcode | GetMigrationData | SetPostcode | Array of strings | yes |
PKD | GetMigrationData | SetPKD | Array of strings | yes |
Status | GetMigrationData | SetStatus | Array of integers within [1,2,3,4,9] | yes |
When a SOAP request envelope is sent, all previously set params are cleared.